Home Relationships How To Turn To The ‘Friendzone’ When There’s No Other Escape

How To Turn To The ‘Friendzone’ When There’s No Other Escape


Don’t act like you’ve never experienced the horror of having to tell someone you aren’t interested in them, knowing fully well that if you do, their feelings will be hurt beyond repair. We’ve all been there, and while we understand what comes with doing that, some things need to be done. If there’s a particular someone in your life, who seems to be completely into you, but you just can’t seem to develop romantic feelings for them, we’re bringing you 5 ways to wriggle your way out of it while softening the blow. The best way to do that is to tell them that you want friendship, not love. Here’s how you do it, take note, ladies!

1. Keep telling him how much you value him as a friend


The friend zone may be infamous, but it’s a great place for those who are looking for a way to get out of a sticky situation. Treat him like a bro, talk to him about other guys you like, tell him you’re so grateful to have a friend like him, who gets how you’re not interested in dating anyone at the moment. If he’s quick on the uptake, he’ll get the memo!

2. Tell him you’re just not ready for a relationship


When you tell a guy that likes you that you’re just not ready to date or commit, he should automatically understand that it’s an attempt to clear the air. Keep stressing on how you’re in a great space in life and are in no mood to switch it up.

3. Refuse to hangout alone, without other friends around


Whenever he expresses the want to meet you, if you aren’t into him, make sure there are always others around the two of you. Doing this has multiple benefits – it doesn’t give him time to get into the details about his feelings for you, both of you are distracted by other conversations, if he’s smart, he’ll figure out that this move is nothing but a ploy to keep him at bay.

4. Don’t ignore him, but don’t give him any hope


If he tends to text you a lot, don’t be that person who stops responding. Even though that seems like a good way to hint you’re not interested, it’s a little too rude and harsh, that defeats the whole purpose of this exercise in the first place. So keep in mind, you can still talk to him, just do so without giving him any wrong ideas. For instance, if he or she tries flirting through text, rather than putting your phone down and walking away, just subtly change the subject by asking a question, or laugh it off and say – “Stop creeping me out!”


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