Home Relationships How Running Into My Ex At A Party Made Me Realize Just...

How Running Into My Ex At A Party Made Me Realize Just How Over Him I Was


You know how sometimes you need confirmation about how you’re supposed to feel, and as you get it, you’re 100% better than you were before? Well, running into my ex nearly a year after last meeting him, and almost 3 years since we broke up, made me realize just how little I cared about that situation in my life. Has this ever happened to you? Read on to relate. 

Credit: Giphy/Columbia Records

Time for the validation 

Not to rain on anyone’s parade but I’m one of those people who believes you can truly remain friends with your ex if the break up wasn’t super traumatic and all over the place. Since this had been  a really long relationship where we became adults together, I truly believed that the post break-up power struggle would not affect it … But how wrong was I? Very!

Although I do admit that I had done nothing to keep in touch with said ex, I just believed that if we did manage to bump into each other, we’d at least be cordial. However, when I realized that my ex is still the same cocky, immature, privileged boy that I had left behind 3 years ago, I immediately realized that remaining friends with an ex requires 2 people in that equation – not the maturity of 1.

Credit: Giphy/LeeAnne Locken

The situation and the consequence

I met my ex at a party of a mutual friend and was immediately confronted by his new girlfriend. Instead of being formally introduced … which at 27 years of age, would be the natural more mature thing to do. I was instead ignored by said ex for 2 hours. 

This is where the consequences of a situation really flesh itself out. From the incident, I learned the following lessons:

a) Getting over someone hits its peak when you realize just how important you are to yourself.

Credit: Giphy/Keeping Up With The Kardashians

b) Maturity is not something that comes with age … it comes with the willingness to actually learn from your mistakes and evolve. 

c) Never expect maturity from anyone else even if you have had a common experience in the past 

Lead image credit: Dharma Productions


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