Home Relationships Here’s How I Beat Utter Boredom To Spice Up My Decade-Long Relationship

Here’s How I Beat Utter Boredom To Spice Up My Decade-Long Relationship


One of the downsides of being in a long-term relationship is getting plain bored of it. Of course, you love your partner and are glad to share your life with them, but doing the same things day in and day out can get monotonous and boring, leading to resentment. I’ve been in a relationship for ten years now, (three years of dating and seven years of marriage) and keeping things interesting and fun has always been a challenge. A decade of doing the same things over and over can be quite a drag and we had our share of struggles with keeping things fun and interesting. Here are some tiny changes we made – six of them to be exact – that helped make things interesting again. Give it a read… hope they help you bring about a change in your relationship too.

Stop feeling guilty and be honest

First things first. Feeling bored in a relationship is perfectly normal so don’t beat yourself up over it. This is no way indicates that your relationship is in trouble, rather, you both are comfortable with each other. All you need to do is have an honest chat with your partner about how the monotony is bothering you, and work towards a solution that looks good to both of you.

Stop feeling guilty and be honest

Binge watch a show together

As basic as it may sound, binge watching a show can do wonders for your relationships. Instead of letting your TV habit cut into your we-time routine, use it as a way to connect with your partner. Fix a time where both of you sit down together, no phones allowed, and watch shows that you both find interesting. This will become a great thing to look forward to each week, and it also is a great way to work in newer conversations.

Take up each other’s hobbies

Sure you both don’t have to love the same things, but it doesn’t hurt to give your partner’s hobby a chance. Try doing what each one of you loves and understand why they enjoy it so much. Giving importance to each other’s favourite things will help both of you feel loved and appreciated. It’s nice to see your partner make the effort to do what you love, and you doing the same for them also helps.

Focus on the initial charm

Think of that one thing that brought the two of you together in the first place and focus on rebuilding that. If his daredevil spirit got you interested, plan an adventurous holiday or if you loved going for movies, key in a movie date night into your week planner. Focusing on what used to work in the past will help you see the relationship in a new light all over again.

Focus on the initial charm

Do something new every month

Be it trying a new recipe or changing your date night schedule, bring in little changes to keep things from getting too predictable. Changing your daily routine even a little bit can go a long way in keeping things exciting and interesting. Just find things that interest you both and focus on including them more often.

Make date nights a thing

Make date nights a thing

It is the oldest solution in the book, but date nights really do work. If you can’t factor them in every week, do it once a month, but do it. Also, don’t make a half-assed effort; get a new dress, do your hair, try on the new purple lipstick and make sure that your partner feels as special and loved as you would want to feel.


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