Home Relationships Don’t Know About You, But I Definitely Didn't Like My Partner Going...

Don’t Know About You, But I Definitely Didn't Like My Partner Going Down On Me


There had to come a time where I would be open to trying anything sexually. This is something I knew about myself even before I had my first kiss. I was never the kid who went “haww” every time my friends spoke about anything minutely sexual or cracked double-meaning jokes. 

Despite my modern views, I was late to the party

Irrespective of my views on sex and everything sexual, it wasn’t until second year college that I kissed for the first time. After which I had sex (for the first time) during my postgrad. I was late to catch up with my peers, but I was kept up-to-date with each new trend in bed. One of which was cunnilingus. The dictionary would plainly explain this complex word of complex actions as, “cunnilingus is the oral stimulation of female genitalia.”

As a straight woman in her early twenties, I was up for everything once I lost my virginity. Soon came the time to take the two-sided road of pleasures and satisfaction. 

A night of trials

On the fateful night of trials and errors, my boyfriend sat naked on his knees looking at me curiously. I finally loosened up a bit and opened my legs to whatever was to happen next. I had gone down on him earlier so both of us were ragging with passion and wanted to get down to the deed immediately. However, my boyfriend suggested we first try to pleasure *just me* because we had never come down to it. 

I was super excited, to be honest, I was looking forward to feeling sensations I had never felt before. My boyfriend, who has had several sexual experiences with various women, confidently tucked his face in my nether regions and began to ‘work his magic.’ All this time I was propped on my elbows look at him and trying to understand how he was working his mouth/tongue and see how I like it. For a while, I tried to ignore the fact that I was gagging at the thought of someone down there, and then I kept thinking that maybe my man doesn’t know how to do it. 

Swearing off any new action and moves until near future

That I didn’t like it is an understatement. His enthusiasm gave my clitoris pain. Scared to make him feel bad on the first night of my cunnilingus journey, I pushed my boy’s face back and acted like I really wanted to just get down to the ‘real’ deal. 

So he came up all proud and happy to kiss me before starting the night’s workout. I pushed his face away with my palm and was just happy that we were done with going down on me for the night. I don’t know about others, but I did not like my boyfriend going down on me. I don’t know about the future, but for now, I am going to steer clear of that action. 

Other articles to cover the bases:

I Gave My First Blowjob & I Want To Share These Lessons With First Timers

9 Things I Realised About Sex After Having It For The First Time

First Kisses Are Not Always Magical: 7 Women Tell Us About Their Experience


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