Home Relationships Couples Are Happier If They’re Best Friends First, There I Said It

Couples Are Happier If They’re Best Friends First, There I Said It


There’s science to back me up here but I’m going to say it again for the people at the back–relationships are more likely to work out if your partner is your best friend as well. Why is it so? Here are a few reasons why: 

a) Being best friends requires work 

You don’t go around giving the BFF tag to everyone, now do you? Exactly why you know what we’re talking about here. When you and bae are best friends first, you’ll already know how they are, immaterial of the romantic bit. This means knowing how they react to situations, their flaws, their best traits. Also the most important factor: being able to tell them everything as and when it happens! 

Credit: Giphy/XDaniel471

b) There are lesser secrets 

When you’re truly comfortable with someone like your best friend, you can open up with no hesitation. Sometimes that’s what’s required for a healthy, honest relationship–the ease with which you can talk about anything under the sun–emotions and feelings included. 

Credit: Giphy/Tristen Winger

c) You have a guide to them and their lives 

Oftentimes, a relationship comes with the anxiety of having to incorporate an entire individual into your life. However, when you’re dating your best friend, you already know just how they are in their lives apart from you. The trust factor is far higher than when you find bae on Bumble. 

Credit: Giphy/Bet

d) The boredom hits  slower 

When you’re best friends with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you’ll find yourself enjoying even mundane activities like grocery shopping and furniture cleaning. There are less things that sound boring when you’re doing it with your best bud. 

Credit: Giphy/Tumblr

e) There’s more willingness to accept and change

When there are fights, you’re more likely to communicate and fix the problem rather than go ahead with the petty tantrums that we all throw when we’re angry. As best friends, that willingness to make amends comes faster, because we all are wired to protect our friendships. 

Credit: Giphy/Girls On HBO

Lead image credit:  Instagram/Anushka Sharma + filmfare


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