Home Relationships Are You Micro-cheating On Your Partner? Read On To Find Out

Are You Micro-cheating On Your Partner? Read On To Find Out


Are you in a relationship but refrain from accepting it in public? Well, if you said yes, then there are chances you are micro-cheating your partner. Now before you get all defensive about it, let’s enlighten you with what actually micro-cheating is.

Micro-cheating is basically an early phase of infidelity. It doesn’t involve cheating on your partner physically, but rather emotionally. Knowingly or unknowingly, it may lead to a mount of emotional damage. To your surprise, even scrolling Tinder for fun or casual exchange of flirtatious words with a stranger also counts as micro-cheating. Read on to find out if you have fallen into the trap, and whether you or your partner are on the receiving end.

1. Signs of micro-cheating

Do you deny of being in a relationship when you and your partner go out in public? Or do you have feelings for someone else, but are not letting your partner know about it? Even worse would be if you are fantasising about someone else in bed with your partner. The most common one, which we all have done, is stalking your ex. To be honest, stalking does nothing good but raise your curiosity to another level, leading it to an addiction. Of course, you don’t want that, do you? Even if you take extra efforts to dress up when going to meet a certain person? Well, all of this in a nutshell is what micro-cheating is all about. Think about it!

2. It’s emotionally destructive

Well, yes it is. While it may not look like, but it does count as cheating. We are often under the notion that cheated is only physical. Well, the reality is harsh and most of our current generation is facing it. If you have been doing it as mentioned above, you need to take a step back and think what is that you really want in a relationship, and from your partner. Also, always see the situation like what if your partner was doing the same to you? How would it feel? It’s even more difficult for the person who’s on the receiving end of it.

3. Talk it out, please!

If there’s a problem, address it! If your relationship with your partner is lacking all the sparks and fire it had initially when you two started off, try to figure out a solution to it. You can only do it, by having a healthy and honest conversation about it. A suggestion: do not reach out to a third person for advice or solutions. It will make the situation even more difficult. You are an adult, behave like one. While conversing, you two will actually get to know if your partner takes your concerns seriously or not. Deep and honest conversations often show the red flags. If you know what I mean.

4. Texting your ex quite often?

There will be times when you will have fights and arguments with your partner. But that doesn’t mean you immediately bounce back to texting your ex. Sure, your ex can be your good friend, but if your partner doesn’t know about it, it’s micro-cheating. Texting your ex, every time you fight with your partner is definitely not a great thing to do. Your ex is your past. Keep it to that. You may reconcile on friendly notes, but he doesn’t need to know every tiny detail of your present life. If you are doing it, stop right there. Also, saving your ex’s number under a fake name is a big NO! That’s a major sign of micro-cheating because clearly your partner doesn’t know about it.

5. Watch your thoughts and actions

Being in a relationship and trying to seek someone else’s attention who’s not your partner is a major cause of concern. Not taking your partner’s calls when that person is around is another sign of micro-cheating. Or deleting text messages before reaching home–it’s a sure-shot sign, you’re micro-cheating. It might be just a normal text, but if you aren’t doing anything wrong you wouldn’t bother to delete them either, right? You need to keep a check on your thoughts and actions. If you can’t and often long for someone else, isn’t it always better to call it quits.


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