Home Relationships 6 Gifts For Bae Which Even You Can Sneakily Use!

6 Gifts For Bae Which Even You Can Sneakily Use!


Gifts for boyfriends needs to be a special category on shopping sites. They’re just so difficult to deal with–one day they like a shirt, the next day, they cannot live without a PS4. Keeping a lookout for gift ideas means having to keep track of every child-like whim they express. Sometimes, even when you’ve bought a gift that you know is going to hit the nail right on the head, chances are, there would be a few more items you wish you could have packed in. 

For all those times this confusion really gets to you–like, anniversaries, birthdays, and special milestones–you can employ the hack of getting bae something that still screams “I love you” but has something for you too. If you’re confused, take a look at the quirky gifts we’ve listed below that are perfect to give to bae but can also be sneakily used by you!

1. Gift cards from their favourite store 

Be it H&M, Zara, Forever 21, or even Flipkart, giving a gift card is so much easier than picking out one item. This increases the selection for your boyfriend while making the process an activity that both of you can indulge in together. That’s where you get your word in for those earrings you’ve been eyeing since last season!

Buy it here and here. 

2. A gaming console 

Trust us when we say this, a PS4 or an Xbox is loads of fun. You might think it’s just for him and the boys, but there are multiple games that both of you can play. Girl, you’re really gonna enjoy the hours battling it out with bae over a game and spending quality time with each other. It’s a great investment despite the price tag. 

Buy it here and here

3. Food coupons to his favourite fast food restaurant or coffee chain 

Okay, y’all might be a little confused here but most food chains offer gift cards for purchasing. From Carl’s Jr. burgers to Starbucks, there are a lot of options available. These are actually fun gifts to give for an anniversary or a new job because you’re sorting out their eating out cravings for some time. And whom will they take along with them? You, of course! 

4. Sweatshirts

This one is pretty universal. You can always give him a coupon but handing over a bunch of nice sweatshirts or hoodies–that you know very well will be yours in the future–is like gifting yourself. 

5. Socks 

Another great gift to give bae for smaller occasions is a full crate of socks. All guys need them and no boys end up buying them, which makes them perfect as a gift. Also, which girl doesn’t need socks when you’re lounging on the couch with bae? 

6. Alcohol

 Who doesn’t like getting alcohol as a gift? Every party is incomplete without it and all date nights need it–it’s almost a no-brainer. Instead of spending your moolah on some IMFL liquor, get your boy an expensive bottle of some imported alcohol that will be shared between the two of you. Ka-ching!  


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