Home Relationships 5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner During A Fight

5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner During A Fight


Had an ugly fight with your partner last night? So, now you’re regretting all those mean things you said to him in the heat of the moment? Well, calm down! We all tend to do this, and you’re no exception! When we are angry, we fail to realise that there are certain things we shouldn’t say to our partner . Here we have a consolidated list of the phrases and topics you should completely avoid during a fight.

1. I will leave!

Deep within you know that you won’t–and you love your partner way too much to leave. So why threaten him in the first place? This is the worst thing you can do to torture your better half. Empty threats often take the wrong route, and can affect your relationship majorly. So please, don’t! It’s a heartless thing to say and it can lead to anxiety and fear. If you love your partner, don’t make him go through this emotional trauma.

2. Do you even love me?


Questioning your partner’s love for you is the stupidest thing you can do during an argument–and yet we all do it! Just because you are having an argument or a fight, doesn’t take away his love from you or your relationship. It’s absolutely normal to have an argument, and that just proves you both have an opinion of your own. Being opinionated is always a good thing–but don’t question love. You will damage your relationship.

3. Bringing up past quarrels

Do you want your relationship to turn toxic? No, right?! So don’t dig your grave because nobody likes to be blamed time and again for buried hatchets. Neither will your partner, we can assure that. Don’t yell at him for past incidences. Imagine yourself at the receiving end. Multiple accusations give rise to retaliations and attacks. Rather, try to focus on the current issue and fix it.

4. Calling each other names


A lot us do this! When you are hurt and angry, you don’t realise what you’re saying and it often goes to an extent of name-calling. A relationship should steer clear of any abuse, be it verbal or physical. Name-calling will only demean your love. Couples also often indulge in character assassination during a fight. But, guys you need to draw the line somewhere.

5. Personal attacks

There comes a point in an argument, where winning the argument becomes the motto, and you lose focus and get distracted from the real issue. In fact, to win the argument you would go to any extent, even personal attacks for that matter. We strongly recommend against this! It will drive emotions into a negative space, and to get back from there can be really difficult.



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