Home Relationships 5 Signs That Your Partner Is Losing Interest In The Relationship

5 Signs That Your Partner Is Losing Interest In The Relationship


The spark has gone missing. It’s a common phrase–one that we tend to use for our intimate relationships. Most of the time, it’s an overreaction because we forget that life can’t be rosy all-year round. At times though, you do feel a sense of detachment. Suddenly the warmth turns cold–the person who couldn’t survive a moment without you, chooses to stay away. It’s got nothing to do with love–you may still love your partner and he may still love you, but somehow the chemistry is off. Small niggles become big issues and a sense of discontentment takes over. It’s tough to understand why this happens, but here a few clear signs that your relationship is about to fall apart.

1. Is your partner always on the phone?

Is your partner always on the phone, even when you meet just once a week? Well, you should know where it’s leading then. We know we all deal with the problem of ‘phubbing’ as we are constantly scrolling through our phones while someone is talking to us. But when your partner meets you, that too not very often, this is not the ideal situation.

2. Has he stopped responding to arguments?

Well, if that stage has come where your partner has stopped reacting to fights and arguments and doesn’t respond at all–it’s a red flag. In his mind, he is probably way too concerned about how to walk out in a subtle manner without getting aggressive or violent.

3. Does your partner ask you about your day?

Ideally in a healthy relationship people are concerned, and curious, about how their partner’s day was. What did they do… how it went… interesting tidbits… you get the drift. That doesn’t mean they are trying to keep a check–rather, they are invested in the emotional wellbeing of the partner and thus the relationship. If your partner is not doing that, it’s time to ask some tough questions.

4. Has the intimacy gone missing?

It’s brilliant that your partner is not with you just for the sex, but if you are not sexually intimate anymore–some concerns are bound to crop up. At times, stress plays a major part; while in some cases it could be that your partner is not into the relationship anymore.

5. Does your partner prioritize his friends over you?

Is your partner prioritizing his friends over you? If yes, then it’s a major concern. If he’s dedicating more time and attention to his friends, and is more into socializing than actually spending time with you–chances are he’s already planning to check out of the relationship. We suggest, talk it out with your partner and don’t keep waiting for the ball to drop.


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