Home Relationships 10 GIFs ALL Overthinkers In A Relationship Will Relate To

10 GIFs ALL Overthinkers In A Relationship Will Relate To


Overthinking is like breathing for some of us. What starts out as a naive, random thought can engulf our whole mind, take over our mood and ruin our day. It’s cute when people ask you just stop thinking about it, but honey, if we could, wouldn’t we have already? Overthinkers, to be honest, are a different breed of humans. We like to believe that we save ourselves the drama but in reality, we’re just trying to keep ourselves calm in the face of a mental shit storm. Especially when we enter relationships. 

Overthinkers in relationships can be a pretty deadly combo. More the involvement, the more anything can spiral down into the inevitable loop of excessive thought. However, we do it diligently, despite sometimes our own wishes. A lot of y’all can relate, much like us. So we thought of taking this relatability factor a degree higher and compiled a few GIFs that are life for all overthinkers. You know, how we’re convinced  our man is cheating because he looked at his phone an additional 2.3 times more than yesterday or how they must not be in love with us because they didn’t kiss our forehead at 10:23 pm last night–you know the daily drill!
If you’re relating to this, congratulations, you’re not alone! There’s a whole tribe of us and we’re not backing down no matter which mofo asks us to calm down and stop thinking about it!

1. When someone asks us to not overthink it…like buddy, why didn’t I think of that?

2. Relating to Squidward has never been easier!

3. When you’ve over thought yourself into a dark, DARK place!

4. When bae hasn’t replied in one hour and your mind is working on overdrive

5. When bae likes an instagram infleuncer’s photo who they will never ever meet

6. When bae looks at his watch while on a date with you

7. If bae forget to kiss you goodnight.

8. When there’s some slight inconsistency in his version of events and you’re already hyperventilating1

9. When doesn’t give you attention for 35 seconds 

10. When you know your own truth

Picture Courtesy: Giphy, Amazon Prime Video ( Made in heaven) 


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