Home Health Weight Loss Plan for Diabetics

Weight Loss Plan for Diabetics


Mild to moderate exercise along with a balanced diet is the way to go for diabetics.

“Lose weight and not health” this is the basic motto one keeps in mind when he/she is suffering from a chronic illness like diabetes. Weight loss and controlling blood sugars are two seats of a seasaw. Hence, a balance between the two phases is very important to maintain the health of an individual. A right balance of proteins and carbohydrates in each meal along with the right time gap enables a smooth journey to weight loss and maintain sugar levels. This is because hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are some of the major concerns among diabetics.

So what are your best combinations during weight loss? Here is a simple example:

If a person with diabetes is given a crash diet with very less proteins and fibre, there will be muscle wasting, which in turn can affect the insulin action. Eating less or skipping your meals can go against your aim to reduce blood sugar. Blood sugar control and proteins will help you in preventing complications of diabetes like neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy.

Complex carbohydrates will not only help you in controlling sugars, but also will help you to give satiety in turn helping you to curb hunger and reduce weight. The significance of having fruit after dinner is to reduce the fasting gap and henceforth to control your fasting blood sugar levels.

But do you think that only the right diet will help in weight loss? Exercise is also important I say. Don’t be lazy and grab your shoes and go for a walk daily. This will enhance your performance, productivity and longevity. Mild to moderate exercise along with a balanced diet is the way to go.

Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock photos/ Getty images

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