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We Asked A Therapist About How Body Positivity Impacts Mental Health & Here’s A Lowdown


You might have heard the term ‘Body Positivity’ out there on the internet. Brands are throwing about the words just as much as influencers and celebs. However, what does it actually mean and how does it affect us?

We spoke with a therapist to find out how the body positivity movement affects people mentally, physically, and emotionally in the long run. How society treats us plays a strong role in how we behave and feel about ourselves. 

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We had a chat with Bhavya Raj Arora, who goes by the name of ‘New Thought Therapist’ on Instagram, to understand more about how body positivity and mental health are linked. 

Image Credit: Instagram/new_thought_therapist

Body Positivity And Mental Health 

The body positivity movement is all about changing the deeply-embedded and problematic notions of beauty based on appearances, and accepting yourself for who you are. 

Bhavya Arora, talking about the effects of the body positivity movement on mental health, says,  “I feel it releases, if not completely takes away, the burden of unrealistic expectations of body shapes, weights and sizes! Body positivity movement has been an active social intervention to challenge societal perceptions about our bodies.”

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She also thinks that the movement has helped a large part of the society in reforming some very core values. “It has been deeply beneficial in revolutionizing the collective psyche to some degree. It makes it okay for individuals to accept their bodies as they are, for what they are and what they look like,” she says. 

Does Body Positivity Promote ‘Unhealthy’ Lifestyles? 

A lot of people online have a pretty negative reaction to the body positivity movement. They comment on images and videos put up by influencers or companies and accuse them of being unhealthy, supporting bad lifestyles, or simply being lazy. 

Does body positivity encourage people to lead ‘unhealthy’ lifestyles? According to our expert, that is just not true! 

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“Body positivity promotes love for our bodies, and when that love can be actualized in its essence, people make healthier choices for their bodies. It is not just to look a certain way or size, but to honour their body in its whole capacity. When talking about body positivity, one must not undervalue health,” says Arora. 

Finding Friends, Companions, And Support 

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“With more people normalizing our bodies for their existence and appearance, it is providing individuals who have been shamed for their bodies the acknowledgement, acceptance and space to breathe, one that they have needed for a long time,” she adds. 

Seeing body positive advertising, finding clothes that are your size, and getting positive validation on the pictures you post on social media are just some small ways in which body positivity can help a person on a personal level. 

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For a long time, Bollywood and popular media has been fat shaming and turning different body shapes and sizes into laughing stock. For a long time, viewers with those ‘different’ body types have felt bullied and ashamed. This is slowly changing with more representation. 

“I believe finding solidarity and feeling ‘I am not alone’ on the journey to body positivity can be very encouraging for those of us who are recovering from the shame, toxicity and unrealistic expectations that society poses upon us,” shares Arora. 

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Body Dysmorphia, Social Media And Positive Representation

We are very often influenced by what we see on TV or online. When we hear famous people talking about body image issues, it clicks with us. “Looking at a positive and inclusive representation of all kinds of bodies online or through media, is healthy for everyone’s self-image,” says Arora. 

She further elaborates, “Speaking clinically, those with body dysmorphic disorder (or BDD) often internalize hatred towards themselves and their bodies when presented with ‘picture perfect’ representations in media or online. Showcasing the reality of our bodies behind the reel and expressing discomfort with the perceived ‘perfect’ has been a significant tool for therapists to incorporate in practice while working with our clients.”

Image Credit: Instagram/priyankchopra

“I remember a client once exclaiming in therapy, ‘Even Priyanka Chopra has body image issues!’ It was a big deal to my client, and it helped her normalise her own discomfort. This led to and supported the road towards acceptance and recovery!”

On the flip side, body shaming in media or real life can lead to a host of mental health issues. 

Body shaming of any kind is significantly associated with low self-worth and negative self-image, both of which are deeply distressing. Body shaming can be a very traumatic experience. I have witnessed it contributing to low self-esteem, depression, social anxiety, and other emotional disorders.” 

Being Body Positive To Yourself 

It is important to remember that body positivity exists on a spectrum. Some days, you may accept your bodies, other days, not so much. It is okay to not love yourself all the time, every time. Accepting yourself is a journey which needs more consistency than blind passion.

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Talking about how to learn acceptance and gain positivity towards your own body, Bhavya Arora says, “You don’t need to be fat or lean to be body positive. You need to think and reflect—’Do I like my body? Do I accept it for how it looks?’ If not, you’ve got work to do.”

Another tip she has for being kinder to yourself is to be cognizant of how you think about your body. “Think through your thinking about your body! Each time you witness yourself being deeply critical, consider the following: 

– Truth: Is this thought true?

– Honesty: Is it an honest reflection of my worth/image/self? 

– Intention: Is it intentional? Would I say something like that to my best friend?

– Necessity: Is it necessary? Do I need to be telling this to myself? Does it help me?

– Kindness: Is it kind? 

If the answer to three of these questions is no, you must reframe the way you think.”

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Image Credit: iStock

If you want to be body positive, ‘New Thought Therapist’ Bhavya Arora suggests changing the way you think. It is a slow process, but one that will benefit you in the end. Observing what goes on in your mind, and making a mental note of your emotions is an important tool to assess how you feel, especially when you see someone who you think is ‘perfect.’ 

Body positivity is all about loving yourself for who you are, and to do that, the first step is to find out who you really are. It is time to make friends with yourself. Only then can you start your journey of falling in love with you!

Social and lead image credit: Instagram/priyankachopra and Yash Raj Films, Dharma Productions 


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