Home Health Want A Baby Boy? Here's Academia Approved Recipe Straight From A College...

Want A Baby Boy? Here's Academia Approved Recipe Straight From A College Textbook!


Boys take our lineage forward. A son will carry our name, our property, and our values forward to the next generation, and for this reason, it is imperative that all of us birth sons. For, without a son, who are we? A daughter is a dependent. Her job is to look after her parents, then her husband and his parents. But, a son will not only dedicate his life to taking care of us, but will also bring home a girl who will cook and clean for us. Our elders have known this. All of us have a maasi, bua, chachi, or maami who kept having children till she finally, by the grace of God and all other powers of the universe, gave birth to a boy. This boy then became the worshipped child, because after years of struggling with having girl children (must have been some karmic debt from a previous life), finally, the family has been blessed with a boy who can keep its name alive.

But, not all of us know how to conceive a boy. Some say that it is happens when the egg is fertilised by a sperm carrying the Y chromosome. But, how can that be? A man is perfect, and divine, and cannot possibly cause the birth of a girl. It must be the woman’s fault when that happens. Anyway, long story short, we don’t know how to make a boy, and it’s about time that it was taught to us.

 Want A Baby Boy Heres Academia Approved Recipe Straight From A College Textbook

Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH) decided to take matters in their own hands, and revealed the ancient secret from the Charak Samhita to conceiving a baby boy in the third year textbook for Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine, and Surgery (BAMS).

So, ladies, take note.

“Collect two north facing branches of a Banyan tree (east facing will also suffice) that has grown in a stable, take precisely two grains of uradh dal, mustard grind all the ingredients with curd, and consume the mixture.

The process of creating a male foetus is called ‘pusanvan,’ and any woman who desires a boy should be ‘blessed with the pusanvan ritual’ as soon as she gets pregnant.

Create two miniature statues of a man out of gold, silver, or iron after throwing the statues in a furnace. Pour that molten element in milk, curd or water, and on an auspicious hour of Pushp Nakshatra, consume it.

Cook rice flour with water, and while cooking, the woman should inhale the steam. Then add water to the cooked flour, and soak a ball of cotton in it. The woman should lie on the threshold so that her head touches the ground. Then, with that cotton ball, the liquid should be poured in her nostrils. It should not be spit out, instead it should be swallowed.”

 Want A Baby Boy Heres Academia Approved Recipe Straight From A College Textbook

A lot of us these days are moving to a cleaner living, and this sometimes includes utilising medicine as little as possible. Yes, there is enough evidence to back up the therapeutic effects of clean eating and exercising, and other old school tenets of wellbeing. But, not everything written in ancient texts can be followed.

It has been proven that a boy is conceived if a Y-chromosome carrying sperm fertilises an egg. Researchers worked hard to uncover this, and doctors work hard to offer natal care that is derived from this and other scientific knowledge. Then, why are we regressing?






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