Home Health This Modest Comic Series on Depression and Anxiety Will Help You Understand...

This Modest Comic Series on Depression and Anxiety Will Help You Understand the Real Struggle


Depression is a health condition that demands attention but is majorly ignored. You might not even realise its depression because its symptoms can easily be confused with laziness and lethargy.


But off late we’ve had people open up about their issues with depression and that has helped put depression in the spotlight, to consider it as a serious condition.


But if you are still unaware of how this disease affects you, here’s a comic series created by The Awkward Yeti that puts into perspective the way in which depression can take over our lives.


These simple illustrations are exactly what you need to understand how depression and anxiety can pull you down and affect your daily life. Take a look:













All illustrations by The Awkward Yeti.

Story created by Sarah Flanigan for an episode of Medical Stories Retold on Tapastic.


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