If you’re someone with a desk job, you probably spend more than eight hours sitting in a fairly uncomfortable chair. If you don’t already feel or see it, this can be wreaking havoc on your body, but most of all – your butt. Familiar with that sore feeling after you get up from your chair, after being seated a couple of hours? Yes, that. It’s actually more serious than you think. We’re not saying you need to quit your job, but here are a few ways sitting for prolonged hours can be affecting your behind, and how to solve these issues.
Being seated all day may not seem like the worst thing, but it affects the gluteal muscles in your butt, in the sense that they stay completely inactive. These muscles impact most of the movement of the bottom half of your body, including your pelvis and hips, and this in turn can be greatly affecting your posture. This could lead to severe back pain, which can get worse over the years. As your gluteal muscles get weaker due to inactivity, it also adds stress to your knees and ankles. Plus over time, the muscles in your butt may also get weaker, and can unfortunately even change its shape.
Fortunately though, there are ways to remedy these seating-related butt problems. For starters, make sure your posture while sitting is correct. Check if your chair is positioned in a way that your feet are flat on the ground, and hips slightly above your knees. Keep your shoulders straight, but relaxed, and make sure your computer is placed at eye level. Most importantly, your back should always be supported, so get yourself a pillow, or in worst cases scenarios, spring for an ergonomic chair upgrade.
Another way to get your booty back in shape is to exercise regularly in your down-time. Whether your activity of choice is going to the gym, pilates or yoga, make sure you do exercises that target your glutes, hips, pelvis, and even legs. Plus, you should also stretch, and maybe use a foam roller on these areas occasionally to release any tight muscles and ease some of the soreness. Do this even if you’re not in pain … prevention is better than cure!