Home Health This 1946 Educational Video About Menstruation is What Indian Schools Need Today

This 1946 Educational Video About Menstruation is What Indian Schools Need Today





This video on menstruation produced by Walt Disney way back in 1946, is one of the most informative videos we have seen. It talks about menstruation in a very mature way explaining how this natural process occurs and how it is simply a bodily activity that takes place in a regular monthly cycle.


This 10-minute video with animation was created for the health education class of American children who needed to know about menstruation. Not only does this video explain well what this process is and how it occurs but also talks about what should and should not be done at that time of the month.





We only wish kids in Indian schools too were educated this way. This subject still remains untouched in Indian schools and the knowledge kids have is text bookish rather than real and practical.


Here’s the video:



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