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These Posters Tell Us How to Keep Calm and Be Proud That You are Round




“You need to lose weight before you start looking at prospective grooms.” Sounds familiar? Many young women would have heard this. And why only women, even men are judged for being fat and round. Why is it that only people who are slim are considered to be beautiful and attractive?

Yes, being fit and healthy should definitely be promoted but not at the cost of calling someone ‘fat and round’. It is body shaming and definitely not welcoming. If a person is round and happy, then let them be. Why should you judge someone for being fat and round?

It’s high time we stopped embarrassing people because of their body shape. It’s time to make them feel confident, whatever be their shape.

These posters by Art’oholic tell us why we we shouldn’t be ashamed of our body, and tell the world that some of the best things in the world are round. (Including our planet) So be #roundandproud.



















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