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Studies Proved Too Much Stress Can Be Deadly, But We Still Choose This Lifestyle


It is safe to begin by saying that our modern lifestyles come with their own sets of stress. However, if you do care about your life quality and length, you must hear this loud and clear–heavy stress is cutting short your life expectancy and it is now proven.

Both men and women, aged between 25 to 74 years, were study subjects

Researchers have found that life expectancy is influenced not only by traditional lifestyle-related risk factors but also by factors related to a person’s quality of life, such as stress.

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The study is published in the journal BMJ Open. It is based on data collected from men and women aged 25 to 74 and their rate of mortality was followed until the end of 2014.

For the findings, the researchers calculated the effects of multiple risk factors, including lifestyle-related ones, to the life expectancy of men and women.

Speaking about the method used in the study, researcher Tommi Harkanen from the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Finland said, “Before, life expectancy has usually been assessed based on only a few socio-demographic background factor groups, such as age, sex, and education. In this study, we wanted to assess the impact of several different factors to a person’s life expectancy, so we could compare their effects.”

Smoking, diabetes, and stress are some habits eating at your life expectancy

Image credit: Instagram, Alia Bhatt

The researchers calculated the life expectancies by changing the values of each risk factor at a time and keeping the values of other factors constant.

Only the BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels were allowed to be changed when the values related to lifestyle factors were changed.

They found that the biggest causes for shortened life expectancy for 30-year-old men are smoking and diabetes. Smoking takes 6.6 years and diabetes 6.5 years out of their life expectancy.

Image credit: Instagram, Ranbir Fan Club

Being under heavy stress shortens their life expectancy by 2.8 years, the study said.

The research also revealed that a lack of exercise strongly reduced the life expectancy of 30-year-old men — by 2.4 years.

Eat fruits, live longer

On the other hand, things such as the consumption of plenty of fruits and vegetables could increase life expectancy: eating fruits by 1.4 years and eating vegetables by 0.9 years.

Image credit: Instagram, Alia Bhatt

For 30-year-old women, for example, smoking shortened the life expectancy by 5.5 years, diabetes by 5.3 years, and heavy stress by 2.3 years. The effects on the life expectancy of older people were similar but smaller than in younger age groups.

An interesting fact about the difference between the life expectancy of both men and women was absolutely small–only 1.6 years, the study proved. 

The study also showed that lifestyle choices which increase mortality, such as smoking, heavy alcohol use, unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise, are most common in the population groups whose social position is the weakest.

Image credit: Pixabay

It is advised that one adopt a routine of light exercising and healthy eating every single day. Indulgences are not forbidden, such as junk food and alcohol, but only when consumed in a spaced out and mindful manner. Start caring for your future self now.

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