Home Health Stiletto Strategy: The High Heel Workout You Need To Do

Stiletto Strategy: The High Heel Workout You Need To Do


Open a girl’s closet and we are sure you’ll find at least one pair of killer heels. Sure they make us look super sexy and confident, but they also wreck our feet and cause unbearable pain. But life’s worth that little bit of pain in exchange for a couple of vertical inches, right? All you need is the right training and some of exercises that will help you strut in high heels minus the agony.


Occupational and Neurotherapist Dr Gundeep Singh, AktivOrtho, Delhi, says, “Long-time heel wearing shortens the Achilles tendon in your leg and causes ankle and back pain. Problems like osteoarthritis, hammertoes and spondylisthesis (slippage of one vertebra forward over another) can also occur, if not paid attention.” Hold on, keep reading.


According to fitness expert, Gagandeep Khajotia, Mantan- fitness lounge, Delhi, “Due to the pressure on the metacarpals or the forefoot the entire posture of the body changes and it’s important to get used to the new position. No matter how comfortable the heels are, the muscles tend to become weak over time and become painful, if you wear them and stand for a long”. Wait, we’re getting to the good part!


Dr Gundeep suggests some easy exercises to say goodbye to back pain and stay happy in your towering heels.


Towel Stretch



1. Towel stretch: This light stretch will ease the pain in your calf muscles and provide relief to the soles of your feet.

How to: Sit on the floor and stretch your legs out front. Bend your left leg and keep your right leg stretched. Use a towel to loop it around your foot and then pull your toes towards your body, while keeping your right knee straight.

Time: Hold for 10 seconds and repeat three times.


2. Wall stretches: This stretch targets your calf muscles.

How to: Place both your hands on a wall and stand at arm’s length. Keep your feet flat on the floor and then step forward with your right foot. The right foot should be about 25-30 cm away from the wall with your front knee bent and your back leg straight. Press your right knee towards the wall till you feel a stretch in your left calf muscles.

Time: Hold it for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat 3 times. Repeat the same with the left foot.


High Heels



3. Stair stretches: This exercise helps to stretch the hamstring muscle and relieves the pain.

How to: Stand on the stairs in a way that you heels hang off of the bottom step and the arches of your foot are supported by the step. Extend your arms at shoulder length and take support of the wall in front or on the side and hold the position. Keep the knee straight.

Time: Hold for 15 seconds and repeat five times.


4. The Water Bottle Stretch or Ball Roll: If you are suffering from a planter fasciitis (heel pain) this exercise is very effective.

How to: Sit down on a comfortable chair or stand in an upright posture. Place a water bottle, tennis ball or rolling pin on the floor. Slowly roll the sole of your foot over the object, starting from the ball of your foot to the heel of your foot across the plantar fascia.

Time: Do this for a minute. Repeat it for the other foot.


Toe Squeeze



5. Squeeze your toes: This helps strengthen the toes and eases the foot pain, especially hammer-toe.

How to: Separate your toes using foam or a separator and then squeeze your toes.

Time: Do this for five seconds and repeat 5-10 times.


6. Contrast Bath: This significantly improves muscle recovery.

How to: Place your feet in ice water followed by warm water.

Time: Immerse your feet for five minutes or for as long as you feel comfortable.


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