Home Health Smart Fitness Tricks for the Woman on the Go!

Smart Fitness Tricks for the Woman on the Go!


Celebrating womanhood all this month, it is but imperative that we focus on the well-being of women. And I strongly believe that good health starts with small steps taken daily. That said, let me tell you about some smart fitness tricks for the 21st century woman is always on the go! Here are some pointers which will help to keep you on the track to greater well-being.

Create a healthy kitchen:
Your first move to fitness starts when you go shopping at the super market for yourself and your family. Keep clear of all the processed food aisles, stock up your kitchen with fresh fruits, veggies and dried fruits, nuts and seeds, to meet your nutritional needs. Also, whenever possible, buy organic and whole grains and unprocessed cereals. Stock up for the entire week so that you are able to maintain a healthy diet throughout the week, easily.

Keep a packet of nuts at work: As you head off to office, dive into your healthily-stocked pantry to pull out snacks for the day at office. A small packet of nuts and seeds, a few fruits, whole grain crackers so that you stay away from all the fried and sugary snacks available at the office canteen or what other colleagues bring around. You should be well-armed at the workplace when hunger strikes.

Additionally, instead of endless cups of tea and coffee that is laced with loads of sugar and potentially damaging your waistline as well as health; keep a packet of green tea bag handy at your desk. Also make sure you keep a bottle of water to drink when thirst strikes.

Take a walk in between work: If your job keeps you tied to your desk for hours on an end, make sure you give your eyes as well as your back a break by walking around the office for five minutes every hour. This small adjustment will go a long way in preventing lower back pain, eye strain and other orthopaedic problems.

Avoid going famished to a party: As an urban woman, working or non-working, social gatherings at the office or with friends and family have become unavoidable. With socialising comes food and drinks. To keep your health in check, it’s important to pay attention to what you put into your mouth at all these social gatherings. If trying to lose weight, stay away from the fried starters, limit alcohol consumption to a single drink or alternatively go for flavoured water (with a dash of lime and mint and lots of ice). Share your dessert or at the very least limit to one serving of it.

Go to a party with the intention of socialising and having fun, not stuffing your mouth.

Keep a clear head: Rising stress levels are a major contributing factor to a host of lifestyle-related diseases. Keeping stress in check is imperative to good health. When stuck in traffic or feeling the heat before a major presentation, the easiest technique to calm down is to bring your attention to your breath. Repeated bouts of panic can raise cortisol levels and lead to numerous health issues including high BP and higher body weight.

Get some exercise: Whenever possible, get moving. Physical activity is imperative to good health. If you can’t get to your regular gym class on a particular day, make time for a half an hour walk with your friends, kids or dogs later in the evening. Or if your schedule does not permit you to get to a gym regularly, invest in a good home DVD to get half hour of exercise each morning or get up early to take a half hour walk in the morning.

Image courtesy:©Thinkstock photos/ Getty images

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