Home Health Simple UTI Remedies To Rid Yourself Of The Pain

Simple UTI Remedies To Rid Yourself Of The Pain


A urinary tract infection (commonly known as a UTI) is a painful condition which happens when bacteria makes it way up your urethra, which is what carries urine out of the bladder. There are a number of reasons that can lead to UTI that range from controlling the urge to pee (yes, really!) to even not peeing after having sex! Thankfully, there are simple remedies to prevent this condition from mushrooming so read on carefully!


H2O to the rescue 

One of the most important things that need to be done after the detection of UTI is drinking plenty of water. Doctors always suggest sipping as much of water as possible as it helps to remove the bacteria from the body and cure the infection.


Load up on Vitamin C

Foods rich in Vitamin C are great as they make the urine more acidic and this will inhibit the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.


Go to the loo!

Yes, peeing can be a pain with a UTI but remember, the more you urinate the more the chances of getting healed faster. Every time you pee you are flushing the bacteria out of your body and moving quicker towards recovery.



Heat application

A UTI will lead to inflammation and irritation around your pubic area and applying a heat pad will help soothe the uneasiness. Keep the heat minimal so that you don’t burn the already troubled skin.


Avoid “bladder irritants”

Cut down on your intake of bladder irritants such as caffeine, spicy food, alcohol, sweeteners and carbonated drinks. Stock up on healthy fibre-rich, cooling foods such as cucumber, celery and cranberry juice instead.


Sip on special concotions

A mix of water and baking soda, when had in moderation, acts as a miraculous remedy to treat inflammation caused due to a UTI. Baking soda is alkaline and neutralises the acidity of urine and it will also help ease the discomfort you feel while peeing. Another drink that’s beneficial is parsley water which is refreshing and acts as a diuretic that speeds up the process of recovery. All you need to do is boil fresh parsley and water together for 10 minutes, strain and drink.



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