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Should You Work Out When You’re On Your Period? 6 Wellness Experts Weigh In


Folklore will have you believe that when you are on your period you should rest. Back in the day, women were not allowed in the kitchen, were prohibited from temples, and were generally expected to lay low. Part of the reason was that menstruating female bodies were considered impure. But, the idea that periods are some sort of an illness which warrant complete rest has lived on. Many women, including some who are physically active otherwise, wonder if they should work out when they are menstruating. Fitness enthusiasts will tell you you should, but who can really believe those eager beavers, right? So, we asked 6 wellness professionals, and there seems to be a consensus!

Priyanjali Das

Yoga teacher, running enthusiast

[IG: @yogawithpriyanjali]


A lot of people think that when they have cramps they should sit still and curl into a ball. I see a lot of girls take the foetal position due to cramps, but that’s the opposite of what we should be doing. Cramps are contractions of the canal between the uterus and cervix. These are the body’s way of managing the blood flow. In order to manage pain from these contractions, we have to release these muscles. Meaning more hip openers, stretches and flexibility training. But, I would advice less cardio. Running generates a lot of heat and pumps the blood. So, if you must run, it’s best to keep it light – Like you would for warm up and cool down, not for endurance training. It is a lot of work for the core – it engages the abs, lower back, glutes. A high powered run which strains the core is not recommended. Think flowy movements, even while running!

Mohit Chawla

Jiu-Jitsu coach, martial artist, educator

[IG: @mochavz]


Women should exercise if they are not in too much pain. In fact, light to moderate exercise can help with cramps. You don’t have to push too hard, but do what you can. Just stretch, run, yoga, do squats at home. Replace period pain with growth gains! But, avoid sweaty gyms, benches and equipment, for hygiene’s sake.

Zubin Atre

Yoga teacher, author

[IG: @zubinatre, @atreyogastudio2017]


Period affects energy, mood and stamina. Estrogen drops throughout the fourth premenstrual week and the lower it goes the more it has the potential to drag down the mood and make one sad, irritable or anxious. As estrogen drops, it also lowers serotonin – the mood stabilising neurochemical in the brain. This is why several women experience cravings for carb-rich foods. If you are not feeling too uncomfortable, then yoga can help alleviate period pain, backache and balance the emotions. Recent studies have found that yoga is linked to reducing severity of symptoms of cramps, PMS, PCOD and premenstrual dysphoric disorder – an extreme form of PMS. Some studies have also shown that yoga can reduce bloating and breast tenderness, and regularise the menstrual cycle. Avoid inversions. They shift the uterus toward the head, which can lead to overstretching and increased blood low. Strong backbends, twists, arm balances and standing positions that put a lot of stress on the abdominal and pelvic region should be avoided, too. Pranayama is useful to balance the emotions and calm the mind. Meditation is also useful as one is more sensitive and aware during this time. As always, listen to your body. Each woman is different and so is the way she responds to her period.

Manisha Kohli

Yoga teacher, aerialist

[IG: @mk_firefly, @theyogachakra]


I do believe that women can exercise during their periods, but no two women are the same. So you should listen to your body. In yoga, there are asanas that actually ease the pain of the period. What’s not suggested during periods are asanas like sarvangasana, sulamba sarvangasana, muladhara bandha. In prananayama, don’t practice any abdominal bandha or kapalbhati. Any asana that is against the flow of the period should be avoided. But, then again, all of us are different, so in case you have extremely painful periods, try light stretches that help you ease the pain.

Manasi Rathore

Assistant trainer for kids, part-time model


I always train when I am on my period. The exercise helps with the pain. I avoid swimming – you’re prone to infections when you’re on your period because the cervical passage is wider. Stay away from community pools that are used by 100-200 people daily! Avoid anything that puts direct pressure on the pelvic area. But do include a lot of cooling down and stretches. Pro tip: Tampons are ideal! They don’t create the mess or discomfort than pads do.

Harjas Kaur

Yoga teacher

[IG: @harjas_kaur]


Generally speaking, exercise helps release cramps and bloating, and makes one feel better. It is best to do moderate workout as it helps to soothe contracting uterine muscle which is  a major cause of cramps. It also enhances blood circulation, releasing bloating and anxiety. Increase in release of endorphins also alleviates mood. Just keep in mind that due to hormonal changes, the reaction time may increase. It slows down your movements. Thus chance of injury can increase. Also, very deep pelvic stretches can make one feel uncomfortable, and inverted poses can be avoided or done for a shorter duration as the blood flow reverses. All in all, take it easy, and adapt to the body’s needs.


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