Actress Mahima Chaudhry has been diagnosed with breast cancer. On Thursday, Anupam Kher shared a video of the Pardes actress in which she opened up about the diagnosis, the treatment and how she’s been feeling now. Mahima even broke down during the video, while Anupam Kher called her a hero and requested everyone to send in their wishes and blessings.
Mahima Chaudhry reveals she had no symptoms
Video credit: Instagram/anupamkher
In the video, Mahima shared that she found out about cancer during a yearly check-up. Talking about the discovery, Mahima said, “I did not have any symptoms, it was just an annual check-up. I was getting my regular tests done, and the person who was doing the tests said I should go and get this checked. They said you have to get a chemotherapy, and I started crying. And my sister was like ‘It’s treatable.’ She was like ‘Why are you behaving like a 17th-century woman?’ But then you are just so terrified of the word cancer, which is why I didn’t share it with my parents at first, because they are so vulnerable.”
Image credit: Instagram/mahimachaudhry1
Mahima narrates what changed her perception towards the illness
While narrating her story, Mahima revealed that she spent days crying but an encounter with a child changed her perception. “I am feeling so good. I was all the time weeping and crying, until I met this little boy who gave me strength, who said, ‘Arey aapki dawai bas itni hai? Meri to itni saari hai.”
Sharing the video of the actress’ battle with cancer, Kher wrote, “Story of Mahima Chaudhry‘s courage and Cancer: I called #MahimaChaudhry a month back from US to play a very important role in my 525th film #TheSignature. Our conversation turned to her discovering that she has #BreastCancer. What followed is in this candid conversation between us.”
Image credit: Instagram/mahimachaudhry1
Mahima has recovered and is doing much better now
Anupam Kher went on to ask fans to send Mahima their love and best wishes as he added, “Her attitude will give hope to so many women all over the world. She wanted me to be part of her disclosing about it. She calls me an eternal optimist but dearest Mahima! ‘You are my HERO!'” He also mentioned that the actress is back to work. “She is BACK on sets where she belongs. She is ready to fly. All those producers/directors out there! Here is your opportunity to tap on her brilliance!” he wrote.
While Mahima has been away from the big screen for a while now, she has worked in some massively popular films like Pardes, Daag, Dil Kya Kare, Dhadkan, Kurukshetra, Lajja, and Dil Hai Tumhaara.
Lead image credit: Mukta Arts, Instagram/anupamkher