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Kajal Aggarwal’s Note To Haters Shaming Her Pregnant Body Is An Important Message In Respect


After announcing her pregnancy at the beginning of the year, Kajal Aggarwal has been vacationing in Dubai with her husband, sharing breathtaking pictures of their luxurious sojourn. 

Unfortunately, the actor found herself being subjected to trolling and body shaming, which have become such a common phenomenon on the internet that people hardly bat an eyelid at mean comments. 

Needless to say, these remarks are too vile to handle and the actor responded to haters through a social media post. 

Image Credit: Instagram/kajalaggarwalofficial

Kajal’s powerful note to haters 

The Singham actor took to Instagram to pen a note addressing all those who have been leaving negative comments on her pictures. 

“I’ve been dealing with the most amazing new developments in my life, my body, my home and most importantly my work place. Additionally, certain comments/ body shaming messages/ memes don’t really help. Let’s learn to be kind and if that’s too hard, maybe, just live and let live!” she wrote.

Image Credit: Instagram/kajalaggarwalofficial

Kajal did not shy away from giving a piece of her mind to the haters around. Her long note addressed “all those who are going through similar life situations” as well as “self-absorbed morons who just don’t seem to understand.”

Important message for the ‘self-absorbed’ morons

In her lengthy caption, she continued, “During pregnancy, our bodies go through several changes, including weight gain! Hormonal changes cause our stomach and breasts to get larger as the baby grows and our body prepares for nursing. Some might develop stretch marks where our body gets larger. Sometimes our skin will break out with acne. We may also be much more tired than usual and have mood swings more often. A negative mood may make us more likely to have unhealthy or negative thoughts about our bodies.”

Image Credit: Instagram/kajalaggarwalofficial

She also talked about afterbirth, bringing up the fact that women often don’t return to what they looked like before, and her message strives to normalise that change: “After giving birth, we may take a while to get back to the way we were before, or may never completely return to the way we looked before pregnancy. And that’s okay!”

Adding to it, Kajal wrote, “These changes are natural and while we are struggling to cope with all the new additions to our lives, (especially the anticipation of the arrival of our tiny little humans) we don’t need to feel abnormal, we don’t need to fit in a box or a stereotype and we don’t need to be made uncomfortable or pressurised during the most beautiful, miraculous and precious phase of our lives! We must remember that the whole process of birthing a little infant is a celebration that we are privileged to experience.”

Image Credit: Instagram/kajalaggarwalofficial

She shared how she deals with emotions 

Clearly on a roll, she also shared tricks that help her cope with undefined feelings that are part and parcel of the process of childbirth. With this message of love and support, she hoped to help all those women who were going through a pregnancy. Her note is one that’s full of valuable points about self-care and self-love, something every new mother and mother-to-be needs to prioritise. 

Image Credit: Instagram/kajalaggarwalofficial

Platforms on the internet, especially social media, give trolls and haters a veneer of anonymity that allows them to be rude without reaping the consequences. However, people need to realise that behind the social media page, there is a real human being who is reading the comments. 

It is time we stop with all the negativity. The internet is a wonderful platform with so much to give. It is a place where we can highlight important social messages like Kajal just did. Isn’t it high time we left women on social media alone?

Social and lead image credit: Instagram/kajalaggarwalofficial


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