Home Health Just 10 Minutes Of These 8 Things Can Lift Your Spirits! Try...

Just 10 Minutes Of These 8 Things Can Lift Your Spirits! Try It!


There are no quick fixes when it comes to emotional and physical well-being. Being well is a lifestyle, and something we have to continually work towards. That said, sometimes, life throws us curve balls, and all we can do is take out 10 minutes to do something – anything – to make ourselves feel better. The unfortunate part is, that when it happens, we find ourselves completely clueless about what to do! For times like that, keep this list handy.  

1. Exercising

Go for a run, box with a punching bag, do squats or jumping jacks… whatever may be your favoured form of physical release.

2. Deep breathing


Its calming effects have been proven. Plus, it has great health benefits in the long run!

3. A slow stroll in the park

Sometimes, what you really need is to slow down. Especially, if you are feeling beaten by your fast-paced, high-stress life. If this is the case, just go for a slow stroll in the neighbourhood park.

4. Walking barefoot on grass


Take the slow stroll to the next level by finding a lush patch of grass to walk barefoot on. It’s better if it’s just been watered. Nature has healing powers, and skin to earth contact can be reinvigorating.  

5. Venting to a friend

A good friend who is also a good listener can be a great agent of catharsis! Venting can be cathartic, and if it’s done to a trusted friend, you can just leave the conversation there when it ends. It’s like you’re casting your worries on them, but they won’t catch it. So, the worries fall and disappear.

6. Watching cat videos


Furry felines are funny creatures. They have the innate power to make us laugh just by virtue of being themselves! No, seriously. I remember reading some research somewhere that said that watching cat videos actually uplifts one’s mood almost instantly!

7. Listening to music

Everybody has a feel good song. If you don’t have one, find one, and make sure you have it downloaded on your phone so that you can listen to it in times of distress.

8. Journaling


Journaling is the pen-and-paper equivalent of venting to a friend, with the added advantages of guaranteed confidentiality, and not feeling guilty for eating into someone’s time. 


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