Home Health If Summer Vacations Were an Option for Working Professionals Then Would You...

If Summer Vacations Were an Option for Working Professionals Then Would You Call Dibs on It?


When I walked to office this morning all covered up thanks to the heat and grime, I remembered my childhood when summer vacations were the most awaited time of the year.


Every day I crib about the heat and how it pierces into my clothes and burns my skin. But today all I can think about are those childhood days when I’d spend the summers in the comfort of my home drinking lots and lots of nimbu paani. Ahh… the good old days when summer vacations were mandatory!


And even though I try to take my mind off the unbearable heat by thinking of a chilled mocktail and the soothing swimming pool, I cannot help but think of what if we could get summer vacations at work?


Isn’t the idea itself exciting? Have you ever imagined what a pleasure that would be?


Summer Vacations



Consider this: No dressing up to fight the heat war with the sun, no spending 15 minutes slathering sunscreen on every uncovered part of your body and no worrying about being left dehydrated in this weather. No pushing through the cranky crowds or struggling to cross the traffic tantrums and no cuss words too. Just the plain and simple pleasure of enjoying the sun shine in all it’s true forms.


I think summers can be too much fun if you didn’t have to be somewhere and doing something! It’s that time of the year when you want to sip on everything cold and be outdoors where it’s breezy and pleasurable. And add to that, spending afternoons slurping aamras!


Sitting in your pajamas all day, catching up on all your favourite TV shows and eating all those summery treats! And since its vacation time, maybe you could try making them too. A tempting ice popsicle with fresh juicy fruits, a tantalizing dessert with sweet mangoes and finally a chilled glass of aam panna that you’ve been having dreaming about.


It’s that time of the year when you plan long vacations and head out to picnic in the woods. And when you discover a waterfall along the trek, it makes your summer afternoon perfect.



Summer Vacations



Remember the times when we’d take off from our city life to visit our ancestral homes and bid adieu to the crazy city summers. I miss not only the days but also the nights which we spent sleeping on the terrace counting stars. Plus the pleasure of making pickles with granny and then sitting back and licking it off your fingers is just what summer should be like.


But when I sit in my comfortable, air-conditioned office I conclude that while I’d love to have summer vacations, it’s actually not the work we do that’s gruelling but the weather that makes our commute a struggle.


You have to agree that this isn’t the best season to get into crowded locals, busy streets and certainly not those choc-a-block roads that try your patience.


No, no this isn’t a rant against the sun, season or heat it’s simply a thought that what if… what if summer vacations were an option even today. Would you be one of those to call dibs on it? All said and done, I surely would!


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