At 85, Dharmendra Deol has social media accounts via which he keeps in touch with his fans. Earlier today, he took to Twitter to open up about his mental health like never before. In an emotional message, the veteran shared how he struggles to find happiness within, despite being able to make others around him laugh. The deep tonality of his tweet immediately got his fans and followers worried and asking if he’s alright.
Image credit: Instagram @aapkadharam
Dharmendra’s heartbreaking Tweet
Yesterday, Dharmendra shared a fan-made video montage celebrating his popular film roles, with Satinder Sartaj’s song Masoomiyat playing in the background. Captioning the clip, the actor claimed he’s been feeling down for a while now. He wrote, “Sumaila, iss be-ja chaahat ka haqdaar…Main nehin…masoomiyat hai aap sab ki …hansta hoon hansaata hoon..magar..udaas rehta hoon …iss ummr mein kar ke be-dakhil ..mujhe meri dharti se…de diya sadma …mujhe mere apno ne” (Sumaila, I am not worthy of so much love. It is you who are the innocent ones. I laugh and I make others laugh… I remain sad. At this age, my loved ones hurt me by throwing me out of my land.)
Image credit: Twitter @aapkadharam
Dharmendra’s Tweet instantly got his fans attention and messages began pouring in. “Love you Dharam ji! Don’t let negative thoughts prevail over you. You are a much positive being.” Another said, “Dharam ji aap udas mat hona…hum sab aapko bahut pyaar karte hain.” One even called him the ‘Pride of the Indian Film Industry’.
Image credit: Instagram @aapkadharam
Dharmendra was last seen as a guest on the grand finale of Bigg Boss 14. The actor had Salman Khan showering him with love and affection; and even replicating his iconic dancing style. Dharmendra was even told about Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla’s love story and that they were heading for a divorce before participating on the show. On hearing this, Dharmendra advised Abhinav to never leave Rubina’s side. He also added that Abhinav should love Rubina even more than she loves him.
Image credit: Instagram @aapkadharam
Dharamendra currently lives at his farmhouse near Mumbai, while his wife Hema Malini and children live in the city. It was recently announced that he will next be seen in Apne 2, alongside his sons Sunny and Bobby Deol.
Image credit: Instagram @aapkadharam
Dharmendra may be moving along in age, but to a true ’70s and ’80s Bollywood movie buff, he’ll be forever young. His “Kutte main tera khoon pi jaunga” dialogue from the 1973 hit film Yaadon Ki Baarat went on to become a popular Indian pop-culture reference and he’s still admired for the way he could pull off both an action film and a comedy role with the same brilliance.
Lead Image credit: Instagram @aapkadharam