Home Health I Regret Opening Up To The World About My Depression. Here's Why.

I Regret Opening Up To The World About My Depression. Here's Why.


When the TV show 13 Reasons Why went viral online, chronicling the experience of a depressed, suicidal girl, half the world suddenly woke up to the fact that depression exists. The way a burp that provides temporary relief, the internet erupted with sympathetic posts about depression, to show temporary concern, to provide temporary relief to agitated minds. However, when you’ve been depressed for a while, and been vocal enough about it to witness a wide range of reactions, you already know that this pretentious concern is all a farce. That is why I could never finish watching 13 Reasons Why. It showed me how hypocritical the world is.

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The very people who uploaded statuses like “It represents real life and how our actions have consequences” were the ones who would be completely devoid of any sensitivity or empathy. Everyone was sad, scared and shaken, for two days. After that, they all went back to not caring, pretending like it was just a fucked-up girl’s story of doing fucked-up things.

The victim-blaming behaviour which is a common reaction to depression, was ever-present. Many articles spoke about why the girl who killed herself in the show, and was depressed, was the one to blame for her condition. This reaction is the reason I couldn’t watch 13 Reasons Why. That girl, in death, had told people about her condition, about her depression, and the reactions to that showed me how cruel and horrible the world was- the same world that would never accept my mental condition, either, without twisting it and turning it into their own story.

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This is because I had opened up to people, and been let down by their reactions. Whenyou reveal something like this about yourself, a part of you expects people’s behaviour to change, and when it doesn’t change, comes the real blow. The same old “relax,” “chill”, “breathe,” and “calm down” are thrown at a depressed, anxiety-ridden person. What then, is the point of so many T.V shows and movies talking about mental health and how mental illnesses work? What is the point of celebrities discussing their own depression and trying to sensitise people, if the people themselves are, for lack of a better word, daft?

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Revealing that you have depression comes with a complex set of burdens. People expect you to be a certain level of depressed. If you laugh really hard one day, or put on some lipstick, they assume you are cured, your brain is suddenly balanced, and you aren’t vulnerable to their coarseness. If you are too depressed and sad, they are easily bored by the whole idea. It’s no fun after a while, and people avoid you as you become a drag to them.

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Not only that, people use my depression or anxiety as an excuse to trivialise and gloss over mistakes that they make. Knowing that I have depression makes it easy for them to blame any problem I have, however legitimate, on the fact that I am depressed, now that they know I am sick, instead of addressing the real issue. When your bad behaviour, or some actual source of stress is worsening a mentally ill person’s condition, is it fair to use the depression card to your own end, instead of checking yourself? Where does the “actions have consequences” rhetoric of accountability go, then? In fact, when I have a bad day, or am in a bad mood because of something that someone said or did, “Have you taken your pills today?” is not the comeback people are supposed to give me. My depression might not have been caused by the world’s misbehaviour, but it is definitely not going to get cured by it!





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