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How To Make Time For Yourself When You Work & Are In A Committed Relationship


When you start working, you realise how easy and carefree being in college was. You had free time, you only needed to show up for class, and life was set. You had enough time to read, binge watch on TV shows, and also spend time with your boyfriend. Now, it’s all you can do to manage to get groceries during the work week. 

When you’re working a full-time job and you’re also in a committed relationship, it feels like you don’t have enough time for yourself. Everything is either about work or spending time with your partner. Then, you realise you also need to meet your friends and everything just starts to get overwhelming. 

So, here are some small ways you can make time for yourself. As you know, self-love is important

1. Tune out during your commute to and from work

Don’t look at your phone when you’re going to and coming back from work. Switch off and make time for yourself. Listen to music. If you’re travelling by metro, read a book. Take time to distance yourself from the demands of everyday life. 

JK Rowling thought out a huge chunk of the Harry Potter book plots while she was travelling on the London Tube. Considering you have to do the commute to work five days a week, it gives you a consistent time and space where you can focus on just yourself. 

2. Wake up a bit earlier than your partner

For those who are not morning people, this may be hard to do. But waking up slightly earlier than your partner gives you time to collect your thoughts and plan your day. 

Get up, make a cup of coffee, and enjoy it alone while sitting on the balcony. It will give you some much needed alone time. By the time your partner is up, you’ll be fresh and ready for your day. (I admit the coffee might be the biggest reason for that.)

3. Do one activity that is only for you

Take up an art class, learn a martial art, join a book club… do something that is just for you at least once a week. Having a space where you are not someone’s employee/employer and are not someone’s girlfriend is necessary towards maintaining a healthy sense of self. 

Many couples merge everything in their lives. This can not only get suffocating, it can also develop into a co-dependency. Co-dependent relationships are rarely healthy. 

Give yourself some me time. You need it. 


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