Home Health Glycemic Index Diet: What’s the Big Fuss?

Glycemic Index Diet: What’s the Big Fuss?


Can you actually retain the glycemic values of all fruits, vegetables & grains in your memory?

Obesity and its related problems have given rise to millions of different diet plans, each claiming to give the perfect solution to fat loss! Among those, one of the most popular is the GI diet or the Glycemic Index diet. This diet is essentially based on the sugar content of all foods. The higher the sugar in a particular food, the higher it rates on the glycemic index. So, the diet basically focuses on less consumption of all those foods that are high on the glycemic index and  encourages you to choose from food groups that are low on the glycemic index. And while in theory and on a scientific ground of argument it may win many kudos, the practicality of successful implementation and its actual health benefit can be a big question mark! Here’s why –

  • To start with, you need to invest in a book or chart that lists the glycemic index of foods. And it is impractical to refer to charts each time you want to put food in your supermarket cart or in your mouth! Granted you may have  good memory, but can you really retain the glycemic values of all fruits, vegetables, grains et al in your memory?
  • While sugar value or glycemic value of certain foods may be high, they might also rate very high on nutrition value and by eliminating complete food group from your diet, you may be actually compromising on your health and well-being. Agreed being slim is desirable, but being healthy is even more so. For the ultimate goal of losing body fat is to be healthy and vibrant, not pale and dull.
  • While the glycemic index of certain foods may be low, actual number of calories and fat content is not taken into consideration. The simple equation of losing body fat is calories in versus calories out and the type, intensity and duration of physical activity or its absence determines the fat, carbohydrate and protein content that one requires in their diet.
  • The other practical problem that one faces may simply be that how long can one stay on this or any diet programme that eliminates a whole lot of foods and that to with what effect to your health and well-being?

The truth of the matter is that fat loss is simply not as complicated as it is made out to be if you don’t get entangled in scintefic jargon touted as established facts!

To lose body fat, you must:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet, tailor made according to your individual needs and activity levels. One that you can follow as a lifestyle pattern and not a weight loss/ weight gain event. No foods should be totally off limits in a good diet plan. Key is well-balanced, nutritionally sound and a practical eating plan.
  • Not look for a shortcut or overnight plan. Fat loss takes time, if you are losing weight at a fast pace on any plan, chances are you are losing body water and muscle tissue, which is not  desirable.
  • Physical activity must be part of any fat loss/ weight loss activity. It is absolutely imperative that you understand regular physical activity is the only option and long-term solution to being at your leanest and healthiest best.
  • Ultimately vibrant good health should be your ultimate goal which can be achieved through good lifestyle practices not the latest diet or exercise fad.

All the best for a healthy tomorrow!

Image courtesy:©Thinkstock photos/ Getty images

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