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From Sedentary To Active: Small Changes To Foster A More Productive & Healthier Workplace


In today’s predominantly desk-bound work environments, we’re at more risk than ever to develop various health issues, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and musculoskeletal disorders. Engaging in regular physical activity at work can have significant positive effects on our physical and mental health, and prevent most of these health risks.

Small changes like ergonomic workspaces, active commuting, incorporating movement into daily routines, desk exercises, and utilising technology can make a significant difference. Cultivating a supportive environment and overcoming barriers are also important for sustaining an active work routine.

How to stretch at work © iStock

Ultimately, prioritising physical activity at work brings numerous benefits to individuals’ health and job satisfaction while positively impacting organisational outcomes.

How to make your workplace more active

1. Ergonomics and movement

A. Setting up an ergonomic workspace

• Creating an ergonomic workspace involves arranging your workstation in a way that supports good posture and reduces strain on the body.

• This includes positioning your computer monitor at eye level, ensuring that your chair provides proper lumbar support, and keeping your keyboard and mouse within easy reach.

B. Taking frequent breaks to stretch and move around

Talking and walking at work © iStock

• Taking regular breaks throughout the workdayis crucial for combating the negative effects of prolonged sitting and promoting movement.

• By incorporating short breaks into your schedule, you give yourself an opportunity to stretch your muscles, increase blood circulation, and relieve tension.

• Stand up, walk around, and perform simple stretching exercises to keep your body active and prevent stiffness.

C. Using a standing desk or adjustable workstation

• Using a standing desk or an adjustable workstation allows you to switch between sitting and standing positions while working.

• Standing desks provide an opportunity to break up long periods of sitting and engage your muscles.

• Standing burns more calories and can improve posture and circulation. Adjustable workstations offer flexibility, enabling you to find the right balance between sitting and standing based on your comfort and work requirements.

2. Active commuting

A. Walking or cycling to work

• One way to engage in active commuting is by choosing to walk or cycle to your workplace.

• Walking or biking not only provides an excellent cardiovascular workout but also helps improve your overall fitness level.

• It allows you to get some fresh air, enjoy the surroundings, and start your day with an energising activity.

Cycling to work, iStock

B. Utilising public transportation and walking for short distances

• If your workplace is located too far to walk or bike the entire distance, you can still incorporate active commuting by using public transportation.

• Instead of driving a car, consider using buses, trains, or trams as a means of transportation.

• Additionally, you can get off at an earlier stop and walk the remaining distance to your workplace. This allows you to include a brisk walk as part of your commute.

C. Parking farther away from the office and walking the rest of the way

• For those who need to commute by car, a simple way to incorporate physical activity is by parking farther away from your workplace.

• By intentionally choosing a parking spot that requires you to walk a bit more, you can add extra steps to your daily routine.

• This small change allows you to include some exercise before and after work, improving your overall activity level without disrupting your commute significantly.

3. Incorporating movement into your daily routine

Incorporating movement into your daily routine © iStock

• Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

• One simple change you can make is to opt for the stairs instead of taking the elevator whenever possible.

• Climbing stairs provides a great cardiovascular workout and engages multiple muscle groups, including your legs and core.

• It can help improve your stamina, burn calories, and strengthen your lower body.

• By consistently choosing the stairs, you can easily add physical activity to your day, even if you spend most of your time indoors.

• Having walking meetings or phone calls

• Rather than conducting all your meetings or phone calls while sitting at a desk, consider having walking meetings or making phone calls while walking.

• This allows you to combine work tasks with physical activity.

• Walking not only gets you moving but also stimulates blood flow and oxygenation, which can enhance your cognitive function and creativity.

• Using a stability ball as a chair to engage core muscles

• Instead of sitting on a traditional office chair, you can use a stability ball as a chair alternative.

• Sitting on a stability ball requires your core muscles to engage to maintain balance and stability.

• This constant activation of the core can help improve your posture, strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, and promote better overall core stability.

Using a stability ball as a chair to engage core muscles © iStock

4. Desk exercises and stretching

A. Simple exercises that can be done at the desk

• Leg lifts, where you lift your legs one at a time while seated, can help strengthen your leg muscles.

• Shoulder rolls, where you roll your shoulders forward and backward, can alleviate tension and improve posture.

• Other exercises, such as desk push-ups (using the edge of your desk), seated twists, or desk squats (standing up and sitting down from your chair), can also be incorporated to activate various muscle groups.

B. Stretching exercises to relieve muscle tension and improve flexibility

• Stretching is crucial for maintaining flexibility, reducing muscle stiffness, and preventing discomfort.

• Incorporating stretching exercises into your daily routine can help counteract the effects of sitting for long periods.

• Simple stretches like neck stretches, shoulder stretches, wrist and forearm stretches, and seated forward folds can be performed at your desk.

• Taking short breaks to stand up and perform these stretches can help relieve muscle tension, increase blood flow, and improve overall flexibility.

C. Implementing desk yoga or Pilates routines

• Desk yoga or Pilates routines are effective ways to integrate mindful movement and exercise into your workday.

• These routines typically involve a series of gentle stretches, strengthening exercises, and breathing techniques that can be done in a small space.

• You can follow online videos or guides specifically designed for desk yoga or Pilates, or simply incorporate individual movements like seated twists, spinal stretches, or deep breathing exercises.

Implementing desk yoga or Pilates routines © iStock

5. Active breaks and workouts

• Encouraging short bursts of physical activity during breaks

• Encouraging employees to engage in short bursts of physical activity during breaks can be highly beneficial for their overall health and well-being.

• This can include activities such as going for a brisk walk around the office building, jogging in place, doing jumping jacks, or performing a quick set of squats or lunges.

• These activities help increase heart rate, boost energy levels, improve blood circulation, and break up sedentary behaviour.

• Participating in workplace fitness challenges or competitions

• Implementing workplace fitness challenges or competitions can be a fun and effective way to motivate employees to be more active.

• These challenges can involve activities like step counting, active minutes tracking, or specific fitness goals. By participating in friendly competitions, employees are more likely to be motivated to increase their physical activity levels and make healthier choices.

Small changes to make work life more active © iStock

• Organising group exercise sessions during lunch breaks

• This can involve activities such as group walks, yoga or Pilates classes, or other exercise routines suitable for the office environment.

• Group sessions not only provide an opportunity for employees to be active but also foster social connections and promote a positive work culture.

• It allows employees to interact with colleagues in a different setting, promotes teamwork, and reduces stress levels.

6. Technology and activity

A. Utilising fitness trackers or smartwatches to monitor daily activity

• Fitness trackers and smartwatches are wearable devices that can monitor various aspects of physical activity, such as step count, distance travelled, calories burned, and even heart rate.

• These devices provide real-time data and feedback, allowing individuals to track their daily activity levels and set goals for improvement.

• By using fitness trackers or smartwatches, individuals can gain insights into their activity patterns, stay motivated, and make adjustments to increase their physical activity throughout the day.

B. Trying out desk-friendly exercise equipment

• Desk-friendly exercise equipment is designed to be used while sitting at a desk, providing opportunities for active movement throughout the workday.

• Examples include under-desk ellipticals, mini pedal exercisers, or resistance bands.

• These devices allow individuals to engage their muscles and burn calories while performing work tasks.

These changes have to be gradual and need a lot of motivation, but one also needs to understand that they can only work productively as long as they’re healthy and free of diseases.

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Lead image credit: Eros International, Hope Productions


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