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Chair Pose To Warrior Pose: 6 Easy & Effective Yoga Poses To Reduce Belly Fat


Yoga is a very easy way to support weight loss and boost the body’s metabolism. Sometimes, dieting and heavy workouts can be very difficult and if you are someone who cannot rely on it then yoga is best for you. Yoga not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but also mental well-being. Incorporating 30 minutes of yoga daily can be highly beneficial for your mind and body. 

Too much belly fat increases the chances of many chronic diseases – consumption of less alcohol, doing proper exercises, yoga, etc., are some factors that can help reduce belly fat. Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits and exercises of yoga to reduce belly fat. But first, let’s take a look at the benefits of yoga for weight loss.

Yoga benefits in Weight Loss

Burns calories: one cannot tell the correct number of calories yoga burns, but it’s proven that doing yoga regularly for 30-40 minutes can help burn a lot of calories. Although yoga burns fewer calories than a high-intensity workout, it is still considered one of the best forms of workout.

Burts stress: Stress stored in your body can store fat resulting in weight gain. Doing regular yoga can help calm the mind and burst stress to a great level, therefore resulting in weight loss. 

Regularise sleep: Daily yoga workout and stress management leads to better sleep that can be beneficial for weight loss.

6 Yoga poses to reduce belly fat 

Cobra Pose 

Cobra pose is one of the best yoga exercises for belly fat
Credits: iStock

Apart from reducing belly fat, the cobra pose also helps cure many problems related to digestive health, constipation, etc. The Cobra pose also works very well for people with back problems and respiratory issues. Here’s how you can easily do the Cobra pose: 

Lie down with your forehead facing the ground and palms underneath your shoulders.

Inhale and use your hands, back and belly muscles to lift your body up

Straighten your arms, keeping your shoulder straight against them. 

Now, stretch your face upwards facing the ceiling.

Lift your hips off the floor a bit.

Try and hold this yoga pose for few seconds and then exhale and return back to normal. 

Boat Pose 

 Boat pose is one of the best yoga exercises for belly fat
Credits: iStock

The boat pose is a very famous exercise that strengthens and develops muscles. It is a hard exercise and takes time to expertise, so one needs to start easy.

Start with sitting on the floor.

Keep your legs straight in front of you with your knees bent.

Lean back a little, and gradually lift your legs in the air.

Stretch your arms in front of you at shoulder height.

Keep your hands straight and feel your spine stretch. 

Hold this pose for as long as you can.

Return to normal position and rest for a few seconds and repeat.

Knees to chest pose 

Knees to chest pose is one of the best yoga exercises for belly fat
Credits: iStock

This pose is very beneficial for menstrual cramps and digestive problems like bloating. This exercise also promotes bowel movement and digestion. 

Start with lying down on your back normally and take deep breaths.

Now, pull your knees up to your chest while exhaling.

And keep your shoulders down towards the waist.

Tuck your chin downwards, and keep it in the centre of the body.

Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds.

Move your keens on both sides to stretch your body as much as can.

Relax and return to the starting position.

Chair Pose 

Chair pose is one of the best yoga exercises for belly fat
Credits: iStock

A simple but very beneficial posture, it helps regulate the metabolic system leading to fat loss. It helps tone hips and thighs as well.

Start by standing straight with feet slightly wide apart.

Take a deep breath, raise your arms and straighten up your head with your palm facing upwards.

Now, bend the knees while pushing your butt back

Slowly bend yourself towards the floor as you do when sitting on the chair.

The next step is to let your torso lean forward over the thighs.

Try to continue holding this pose and inane and exhale for a few minutes

Return back to the starting position. 

Warrior Pose 

Warrior pose is one of the best yoga exercises for belly fat
Credits: iStock

People who have spinal problems, heart problems, etc., should avoid this pose as this is a difficult exercise. Here’s how one can easily do this yoga pose.

Start with standing straight with your feet slightly at a distance.

Lift your arms straight above your head and join your hands. 

Then turn your right foot 90 degrees outwards while exhaling.

Next, turn your left foot inward towards the right keeping both feet aligned.

Then rotate your torso while keeping your arms straight.

As you inhale, bend your right knee by bringing the thigh parallel to the floor.

Keep the left knee stretched out and tightened.

Try and stay in the pose for sometime and then relax.

Plank Pose 

Plank pose is one of the best yoga exercises for belly fat
Credits: iStock

The plank pose is very simple and effective. Plank pose focuses on the core of our body and strengthens the arms, shoulders and arms. 

Start by lying on your tummy with palms next to your face.

Next, bend your feet in such a way that the toes are pushing the ground.

Legs should be stretched and hands directly down the shoulders. 

Take deep breaths and push your forearms placing your hands down.

Now, stretch your neck backwards towards your spine. 

Take a step back with your feet sticking the toes and aligning the body with the head.

Do this position for some time and then come back to normal. 

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Social and lead credit: Instagram/anushkasharma, Instagram/kareenakapoorkhan


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