Home Health #Bizarre: There Is A New Symptom Of Coronavirus And It’s Called ‘COVID...

#Bizarre: There Is A New Symptom Of Coronavirus And It’s Called ‘COVID Toe’


The World Health Organization (WHO) has already listed the most common symptoms of COVID-19 as chills, sore throat, fever, fatigue, shortness of breath, and dry cough. Now, the doctors have added a new symptom known as the COVID toe. While it’s yet to be confirmed by the WHO, the newfound unusual symptom is already dominating the headlines. All of a sudden, patients across the world are inundated with rashes on their toes which resemble chilblains.  

Doctors worldwide are overwhelmed with the number of patients reporting infected toes. They find it highly unlikely, as it usually happens during extremely cold winters. However, it’s a sign that can’t be ignored. We got in touch with Dr Swati Mohan, Dermatologist at Fortis, Faridabad to tell us all about the newfound symptom.

What is COVID toe?

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Dermatologists are trying to push COVID toe as a symptom of COVID-19 now. Dr Swati explains, “It’s a tell-tale sign of the coronavirus in which the toe colour first turns purple then blue and finally red. The discoloration of the toe looks like chilblains and is often referred to as Pseudo chilblains. It is only a clinical presentation and is now becoming an important sign of the virus, which should not be overlooked. The COVID toe usually develops several weeks after the spike of the infection has been recorded in the community i.e, several weeks after the acute phase. Besides discoloration there might also be swelling, itching and at times it could also hamper the ability to walk.”

About 20 percent of COVID-19 positive patients reportedly have this symptom and it is important to note that this usually occurs in children and young adults. 

COVID toe patients have good immunity

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The good news is that patients with these lesions are doing well and seem to have good immunity, so they shouldn’t panic. Dr Swati suggests, “These patients should not rush to emergency and risk exposing themselves and others to the virus. Instead, they should take rest and if there is itching, they should apply local hydrocortisone. If there is pain, then they can take Aspirin. Under such circumstances, social distancing is a must.”

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Hence the carry home message for an infected toe patient is that your body has seen the COVID virus and is creating an immune response to it. “I would like to advise that anyone with swollen toes that are purple, blue, or red should not panic. Inform your dermatologist or primary healthcare worker, if required and suggested get tested. Try to understand that it is a sign of good immunity, take rest, maintain social distancing, good hygiene, and symptomatic treatment,” concludes Dr Swati.

Lead Image Credit: istock


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