Bollywood actress Sonali Bendre has been away from our television screens for quite some time. After being diagnosed with cancer and a near death experience, the whole world changed for Sonali. Now, after a four year pause, the actress is back as a judge on Dance India Dance (DID) Li’l Masters Season 5. In a recent chat, the actress opened up about her journey after surviving cancer, overcoming insecurities about her looks and learning to embrace beauty in imperfections.
Sonali Bendre on being insecure about her looks post-cancer battle
Credit: Sonali Bendre, Instagram
She told Bombay Times, “My body had gone through so much and I needed to recover, so I started focusing on regaining my strength. When I returned from New York after my treatment in December 2018, I came in a wheelchair, but I did not want to walk out of the airport like that. So, I held on to Goldie (Behl, her husband) and decided that I am going to walk out without a wheelchair.”
There’s beauty in imperfections too
Credit: Sonali Bendre, Instagram
But, with time, Sonali has become less conscious about her looks on screen. “The body has changed so much after losing hair and having a huge scar on it. I understand that I can’t be perfect and there is no need for it. I have learnt to accept the fact that there is beauty in imperfection too. There are times when I still fall back into the pattern of feeling insecure about how I am looking, but then it’s a process where I tell myself — that’s not the only thing. It’s not just about how I look or dress. It’s about what I am as a person and what I bring to the table. Also, as I said, I genuinely feel that you have to enjoy what’s unfolding in front of you. If you look at it with kindness and love, you will enjoy it a lot more. That’s what I intend to do — enjoy the process of being on this reality show,” she said.
Sonali stressed on how adversity has shown her that there is more in her and she is going to use that, take the joy from it, enjoy every single day that comes and be grateful.
More power to Sonali, a woman of substance and courage!
Lead Image Credit: Sonali Bendre, Instagram