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A Revenge Body Is Sexy. But Is It A Healthy Way To Get Fit?


The Kardashian girls have been the trendsetters in many areas. For the “fat Kardashian,” Khloe, her offering to the world has been the much coveted “revenge body.”


@KhloeKardashian proudly shows off her toned tummy and we can’t stop staring! #RevengeBody

A post shared by Revenge Body With Khloe (@revengebody) on Jan 8, 2017 at 3:57pm PST

Now a show, a fitness trend, and basically a life trend, the “revenge body” is basically a physical transformation inspired by a bad breakup, that gives you a flat stomach, rounded butt, and tight legs. According to the Urban Dictionary, “you work your ass off to look the best you can just to piss him / her off and make them regret their poor choices.”

Sure enough, this trend has made many of us fitter than we’d have otherwise been. As far as coping mechanisms go, it is healthier to hit the gym to get over an ex, than to hit the bottle. But, the question arises… are you really getting over the ex, and moving past the relationship, or does your desire to avenge them come from still caring about them, or maybe even secretly wanting to seduce them back into the relationship?


Okur, how does she look so good when she works out?! #RevengeBody

A post shared by Revenge Body With Khloe (@revengebody) on Dec 30, 2016 at 5:00pm PST

Anna Kaiser, a celebrity trainer who has worked with Shakira and the like, told The Hollywood Reporter, “I think it’s a terribly negative way to look at your body and I don’t think it’s proper motivation to get in shape. I want the workout to be a positive experience, not a vulnerable situation tied to someone who has wronged you. The idea of revenge itself is not healthy. Feeling comfortable to move on and be a stronger person is much healthier than any idea like that… My team and I work to get to the root of the problem – what’s causing you to make the decisions you’re making? Why are you choosing to eat those things? Getting in shape is a long-term process, it’s not about getting to your ‘goal weight’ overnight. It’s about adopting a new lifestyle.”

We can’t help but agree in that the motivation behind getting that revenge body is a little worrying. Think about it – how are you actually disengaging from your ex if, every time you hit the treadmill, they are on your mind? How does that fit with the idea of physical activity being an uplifter? How is it for yourself, if when you post an update on social media, you do so hoping that your ex will see it?

Most importantly, what happens when you’ve acquired the revenge body?


If this isn’t inspiring a New Year’s resolution, we don’t know what will. #RevengeBody

A post shared by Revenge Body With Khloe (@revengebody) on Dec 28, 2016 at 12:27pm PST

You are now hot AF, and you know that your ex is miserable, regretting his life choices. Mission accomplished. But now what? Are you transformed into a healthier, happier person who will date wisely, and not choose someone who is flaky enough to change their mind about you depending on your waistline? And what happens to that toned body once you’ve rejected attempts from your ex to woo you back, and gotten back at them to your satisfaction? What’s the motivation now to stay fit?

Don’t get us wrong – we are aware that many people who start their journey to fitness wanting to spite an ex, end up committing to the path because it makes them feel better about themselves. We also do not undermine how a fit body can make a confident personality. But, in all honesty, how many of us does this happen to? Even if it happens to the majority, how many also reap the benefits of solid self-esteem?

The point of fitness is to not only to have a chiselled body, but to be happier, calmer, and emotionally stronger. We have our doubts about the revenge body helping one achieve all of this. 


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