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A Child Specialist’s Guide To Taking Care Of Babies During The COVID-19 Crisis


Questions and apprehensions amongst parents of newborns and toddlers are innumerable. In the current situation, with new research and data coming in on a daily basis, it is difficult to  ascertain the facts. Initial studies stated that children were less prone to developing coronavirus symptoms. However, these studies were conducted on a small sample size, with most infants being asymptomatic and large numbers going undetected due to limited testing. 

We got in touch with Dr Vanshika Gupta Adukia, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Lactation Specialist at Therhappy, Mumbai to guide all the new mommies better.

Recent data owing to wider testing suggests that 10% of the pediatric population could be suffering from the COVID-19 infection. Dr Vanshika explains, “An important aspect of the virus in children is that most of the children who test positive for the virus, pick it up from their immediate environment. Therefore, if there are no members in the family or immediate contact circle of the child positive for the virus, chances of them picking the infection stand low.”

Newborns can’t contract the virus in the womb, explains Dr Vanshika

The cases of newborns testing positive for the coronavirus have started seeing the light of the day. Especially in cases where the mother has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Dr Vanshika explains, “This in no way means that newborns are getting infected in the womb. Studies conducted on samples of breastmilk, amniotic fluid, placental tissue of mothers who contracted the virus have all come back in the negative, indicating that no vertical transmission of the virus has occurred till date from a coronavirus positive expecting mother to her baby in the fetus.”

In all the cases, infants were found to be positive a couple of days post-birth by probably coming in contact with their mothers who had tested positive. This means that newborns also pick the virus through droplet inhalation and contact with an individual or environment that is positive for the virus.

Hence you need to take certain precautions to combat chances of developing COVID-19 in newborns:

1. Breast milk has immunoglobulins, a natural vaccination 

image credit: istock

Breastfeeding should be the choice of feeding for the child. “Breast milk provides newborns and infants with benefits that include building a stronger immunity, antibodies, immunoglobulins- a natural vaccination as rightly believed. For those mothers who test positive for the virus: remember breastmilk does not contain the virus as established by recent studies, hence you can look at expressing through pumping and then feeding the child,” suggests Dr Vanshika.

2. Sanitize their surroundings rigorously

Ensure you wash everything used for the baby with soap and water both before and after its use. Remember the virus can live on surfaces and babies are known to mouth whatever is around them, so keep their surroundings exceptionally clean and sanitized.

3. Parents are enough, restrict other primary caretakers

Image Credit: Sky Is Pink, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, RSVP Movies and Siddharth Roy Kapur

Dr Vanshika suggests, “Limit contact of the baby with multiple individuals, restrict the number of primary caretakers for the baby to a bare minimum. Ideally, the mother being the main (if virus free) and a helper for the mother. Avoid hiring outside help at this time, allowing parents or guests to visit if not residing within the same house.”

4. Avoid doctor visits as much you can

Limit doctor visits for the newborn in a hospital, chamber or clinic as these are now hotspots and breeding ground for infections. Try opting for virtual or telephonic consults where possible and only visit a doctor in person if it is an emergency or as deemed fit by the pediatrician.

And lastly, if one has any symptoms of cold, cough, flu or any infection avoid contact with the baby. In case the infection is faced by the mother, look at handling the baby only after washing sanitizing hands and with a mask covering the mouth.

Image Credit: Sky Is Pink, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, RSVP Movies and Siddharth Roy Kapur


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