Home Health 9 Times Your Mother was Right and You've Got to Admit it...

9 Times Your Mother was Right and You've Got to Admit it Now


You remember the time you were growing up and you started thinking that now you know everything that is best for you? So, you even stop taking your mother’s advice because you think that you know better. But, you couldn’t be more wrong. Here are nine times our mothers were definitely right.




1. “Oil your hair.”
You hated it at that time but now you know how important it is for the luscious mane.




2. “Learn to cook.”
The woes of staying alone and not knowing how to cook.




3. “That friend does not give me good vibes.”
You hated that she judged your friends. But, she was always right about it.




4. “That guy does not love you.”
It was not because she didn’t want you to have a boyfriend but because she knew that he actually didn’t love you.




5. “Cover yourself up, the weather is changing.”
She was not being paranoid because you did catch a cold for not listening.




6. “Eat healthy, this junk is going to ruin your skin.”
You know that now while you are still suffering with zits.




7. “Leave that phone and interact with people more.”
You should have really spoken to people because now you have zero social skills.




8. “Learn to save, save and save.”
If you would have listened to her you wouldn’t have been perpetually broke.




9. “You will understand me one day.”
We do realise now that she was always right and that we were just stupid and stubborn for not listening to her.



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