Home Health 7 Steps to a Healthier New Year

7 Steps to a Healthier New Year


As the old year draws to a close, everyone is busy making plans for the coming year. Taking better care of yourself in the health department tops the list of most people and rightly so. As India races towards greater economic growth in the last decade, it has also seen a tremendous rise in lifestyle diseases. So it is imperative we take greater steps towards our physical welfare. Here are some steps to help you and your loved ones have a healthier  New Year.

  1. Prioritise an hour of physical activity on most days of the week. Choose an activity or two that you like and stick to it. Starting from walking, yoga, active sports to dancing, strength training, martial arts – the fitness palate has loads of variety to offer today.
  2. Choose a time of the day when you are most likely to exercise and stick with it. No one today has time for exercise, you have to make time. I maintain if Mr. Anil Ambani can find time to exercise, anyone can! Research suggests morning exercisers tend to be most regular, however choose a time that suits you the most as lifestyles differ. If you are not a morning person and make plans to join the 6 a.m. yoga class, chances are high you are never going to make it.
  3. If you are not a highly disciplined person, then join an exercise group or team up with a friend or hire a personal trainer to ensure you turn up for your exercise sessions. Being accountable to someone makes you a more regular exerciser.
  4. Do not go on or off fad diets. A healthier body is a result of better lifestyle choices. Work to eliminate processed foods from your diet and focus on eating fresh and wholesome unprocessed foods. Feed your body not your mind. As you begin to introduce more healthy foods in your diet, you will find yourself craving lesser and lesser for junk foods. Be good with your diet 80 to 90 per cent of the time; feed your mind sometimes to maintain a good healthy balance.
  5. Be slow and consistent with your diet and exercise schedule. Trying too much too fast can result in injuries and health issues. Focus on bettering your diet by eliminating one bad habit at a time, not your entire diet overhaul overnight! Similarly, don’t aim to run a marathon in a week or even a month’s time: it could be counter productive. Build up your exercise routine over time.
  6. It is important to focus on wellness rather than just fitness or weight loss. Correct damaging lifestyle habits. To simply put, get enough sleep, drink enough water, quit smoking, limit drinking (alcohol), eat on a regular schedule and limit television time. Healthy lifestyle habits go a long way to ensure wellness.
  7. Finally, practise stress management techniques. Whatever route you prefer to take – meditation, Pranayam, running, dancing, listening to soothing music, playing with your pets or kids. Uncontrolled stress can be fatal as many studies have pointed out.This year, be faithful to your health first.  All the very best! 🙂

Image courtesy:©Thinkstock photos/ Getty images


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