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6 Steps To Improve Your Sleep Cycle So You Can Get Some Zzzs


Who doesn’t love to sleep? After all, aside from being a necessity, it helps us feel relaxed and refreshed after a gruelling day at work. Most importantly, sleep helps our tissues and organs repair themselves. Health experts insist that a minimum of eight hours of sound sleep is a must for good health. Anything below that mark is said to have an adverse effect. So if you find yourself on a Netflix binge and sleeping for just a couple of hours on most days, it’s really going to affect your health in the long run. So how can you sleep better? Here’s some help:

Put your phone away

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Do you scroll through Instagram before hitting the sack? Well, that blue light your phone emits can actually hamper your sleep. Why you ask? Because blue light signals your brain to stay awake. So, when you head to bed, with your phone in hand, you’re alerting your brain and compelling it to engage. Take a cue from Sonam Kapoor Ahuja who keeps her phone in another room before going to bed. As far as setting an alarm is concerned… buy an old-school alarm clock.  

Invest in blackout curtains

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Those sheer curtains might look straight out of Pinterest, but they can impact the way you sleep. Thanks to bright lights and billboards outdoors, your sleep can get disturbed. Switching to blackout curtains can make a world of a difference, as they block out bright lights and make your room dark as night.

Stick to a routine

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Some say it takes 21 days to form a habit, but if you manage to stick to a sleeping and waking up schedule,  soon enough your body will form a routine. Your brain will send signals to your body when it is time to retire and when it’s time to wake up. It also helps you stick to a schedule for the rest of the day, so you don’t have to scramble like a headless chicken before work.

Ditch the heavy dinner

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The last thing you need is to have a heavy dinner. A heavy meal before bed tends to make you feel bloated and uncomfortable, and hence sleeping well might become a pipe dream. Also avoid spicy foods, as they can cause acidity. All in all, opt for a light and healthy dinner so that you don’t need to reach out for that antacid in the middle of the night.

Make your room your haven

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Your bedroom should be your refuge, so don’t treat it as a utility. Invest in a good-quality mattress, and place some nice sheets so that you’re inspired to go to bed. If you tend to work in your bedroom, consider creating a workstation in some  other room so that your brain associates your bedroom only with sleep, and you can doze off with ease.

Do a Marie Kondo

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Stacks of books, clothes strewn on the chair, and makeup spilled on the dresser? A messy, cluttered room can actually hamper your sleep. Getting rid of any excess clutter and putting away things you don’t use will enable your brain to feel less anxious. It will also attract good energy into the house.

What do you do to have a good sleep? Tell us in the comments below.


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