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6 Reasons You Are Tired All The Time, In Spite Of Sleeping Well


The only thing more frustrating than feeling exhausted all the time is feeling exhausted all the time, and not knowing why. On paper, you’re doing everything right: you sleep for eight hours (on most nights), you keep your room as dark and cool as possible, you fall asleep while reading a good book, rather than being glued to Netflix or Instagram. And yet, the fatigue never subsides. While sleep deprivation may be a primary factor in your daily fluctuating energy levels, it’s hardly the only one. Diet, your hormone levels, and physical fitness all have a role to play as well – and if one of these is out of balance in any way, it could be the reason why you never feel fresh. We give you a few habits that are draining you out, without you even knowing about their implications.

Problem 1: You’re Drinking Too Much Coffee



Look, we love coffee. It’s a source of antioxidants, and it’s a beautiful thing to (literally) wake up to every morning. The problem is that when we drink it in excess, our bodies become dependent on it. In fact, it is said that when people reduce their coffee intake or give it up altogether, they’re actually less tired in the morning. Not just that, if your energy fades within a few hours, you might be tempted to reach for another cup, which not only furthers this ‘tiring’cycle, but could also disrupt your sleep. The solution? Try to drink just one cup in the morning, and, at the very least cut yourself off by noon. Also, consider making your daily brew in bulletproof-style: If you mix butter or coconut oil in your coffee, your body digests the caffeine slowly, giving you sustainable energy levels throughout the day. Better still, drink green tea instead.

Problem 2: Your Hormones Are Out Of Whack

While hormonal imbalances are common, they’re also tricky to diagnose and treat. And yet, adrenal fatigue is often the culprit behind the inexplicable daily exhaustion. Our adrenal glands help produce hormones, and regulate our “fight-or-flight” response. Daily stress can put throw functions completely out of balance. The worst part is that often you don’t even realise you’re stressed, it just manifests itself in physical ways – exhaustion being one of them. There are a few ways to tackle this, primarily by ironing out any daily tensions in your life (more on that, in a minute).

Problem 3: You’re Not Relaxing Enough

Adopt daily rituals to relax your mind, and body – whether it’s journaling, heading for a yoga session, taking a few minutes to meditate, or listening to your favourite songs. Either way, the point is to be proactive and not reactive about daily stress.

Problem 4: You’re Not Getting Your Daily Nutrients



Fatigue is usually your body’s way of telling you that it needs something, and ‘it’ could very well be some necessary vitamins and nutrients. Scientists believe that there is a link between rising rates of chronic fatigue, and poor diet, and often the fix is simple: avoid processed foods whenever possible, stay away from too much sugar (which is often the culprit behind a mid-afternoon crash), and try to maintain a healthy balance of fats, protein, and carbs. Even if you try going back to the basics for just a few days, you might be surprised by how much better you feel.

Problem 5: You’re Dehydrated



If you’re not drinking enough water, fatigue is often one of the first symptoms, accompanied by frequent headaches. Studies show that focus and energy levels improve when we’re drinking enough water. So, get that H2O in you.

Problem 6: You’re Not Exercising Enough

There’s tons of research that connects a consistent fitness routine with higher energy levels. One study even showed that cancer patients’ symptoms improved when they began exercising more. We can also vouch for this from experience. So if you aren’t already on it, consider breaking a sweat on most days during the week, even if it just means taking a walk during your lunch hour.


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