Home Health 5 Ways To Start The New Year Off On A Healthier Note

5 Ways To Start The New Year Off On A Healthier Note


The New Year is just a day away, and we couldn’t be more ecstatic about bidding this disastrous year adieu. But at the same time, we’re also trying to figure out how to make sure 2017 is a better year, especially on a personal note. One thought that we’re sure has crossed your mind as well is how to be healthier in the 2017. Not only in terms of physical health, but in all walks of life. And while we’re certain you’re also hesitant about this being another one of those “resolutions’ you start at the beginning of the year”, and then abandon in two weeks, rest assured – there’s not a hint of condescension or misplaced hope here. We’re here to help, both you and ourselves, with five ways you can start the New Year off on a healthier note in a far more achievable manner.

Put yourself first




In the New Year, one thing you should vow to do, is to put yourself first. Most of us tend to negate our own happiness, health and needs, and focus more on those around us. So, in 2017, pay more attention to yourself, do things that make you happy, take more time out for yourself, and cut yourself some slack when you need it. You will automatically be in a better place, emotionally, physically and mentally.

Set realistic goals

Most of us tend to get carried away with the excitement of the New Year, and set goals and resolutions that are bound to fall through. This year, keep your expectations realistic. Start small, or step-by-step, and you are guaranteed to fulfil your goals, whether personal or professional. Not being bogged down by the pressure of an unachievable goal from the start of the year will make you much calmer.

Make it a point to eat better




We’re not saying you should go on a diet, or starve yourself, but just be more mindful of what you eat. You don’t have to do this with the intention of losing or gaining weight, but more so, in an effort to live a healthier life. With the current state of health and the environment around the world, it just makes sense to make an effort to live a more fit life. And eating mindfully is one step in the right direction.

Cut out the negativity

Whether it’s a person or a situation, get rid of all the negativity that’s been wearing you down. It’s going to be tough, but you need to do it. You don’t need that kind of energy around you. What you should do instead, is make it a point fill your life with more positive things and people. Once this is done, you are instantly going to be in a better place to deal with everything coming at you.

Try to be more active




Now don’t go running to get a year-long subscription to the gym that you’re never going to use. First, take some time to think about the kind of physical activity you would enjoy doing, especially for an extended period of time. Think long term. Then look for the most convenient place for you to go do it. It doesn’t even have to do anything with the gym, it can be a dance class, a cycling club or even Krav Maga (hey, learning self defence is another bonus!) If you want to start slow, you can even begin with a half-hour long walk around where you live. But consciously make an effort to get off your butt and do something active.


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