Home Health 5 Super Easy Home Medical Remedies That Really Work!

5 Super Easy Home Medical Remedies That Really Work!


There are various medical remedies available on the internet for a millions different ailments but not all of them work. But through various processes of trial and error (and sickness and health) we’ve siphoned out a few that actually do make a difference. Trust us, even your granny would approve of these five easy-peasy cures!


Ball squeeze

1. A tennis ball to soothe foot pain.

Have aching feet? Roll a tennis ball under them and the movement will soothe your muscles. It’s like a DIY massager, which works like magic.


2. Lemon for motion sickness.

If you love travelling but can’t because you have motion sickness then try sucking on some lemon slices while you are on the road. Motion sickness produces extra saliva in the mouth which can make you feel like throwing up. The citrusy flavour of lemon calms the stomach and prevents you from vomiting. You can also mix some lemon squeeze, water and honey together and consume the potion for relief.


3. Cloves to cure cuts.

Cloves have antibacterial properties. You can sprinkle some clove powder on a cut or blisters to protect it from infections. Clove is rich in eugenol, a chemical that’s a great antiseptic and helps relieve pain. Cloves are also often used to soothe tooth pain.


4. Raw honey or ghee for chapped lips.

Dab some raw honey or ghee on chapped lips as both these ingredients have moisturising qualities, which create a natural protectant layer on your lips.


5. Swallow dry sugar to stop hiccups.

If you can’t stop hiccupping, have a spoonful of sugar. It stimulates the vagus nerves (part of upper digestive tract) and makes your body forget about hiccups.



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