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5 Reasons Why You Should Take Up Exercising To Stay Fit & Not Just Lose Weight


People think that one should only exercise if they want to maintain a certain body type. If you are slim people make fun of you for exercising, because apparently “you don’t need it”. If you’re thicc and you exercise then people will ask “why isn’t it showing on you”. Nonetheless, kuch toh log kahenge. However, exercising is not only to lose weight, but you must also exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to stay active, to stay fit, and avoid diseases that come with a sedentary lifestyle. So here are a few reasons why you should take up light exercises like cardio, yoga, light lifting, stretching, and dancing:

1. You need a routine to fight off laziness

How often do you fight with your siblings, partners, friends, and parents to open the door, switch off the light, or get that glass of water? All this might have become a part of your relationship but it is low-key lethargy and laziness. You should be able to get up from your bed and do all these things on your own.

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So when you incorporate an exercise routine in your daily life, you automatically feel active. This encourages you to lay down less and keep yourself busy with chores.

2. Day-to-day activities are done with ease

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Just stretching yourself to get that jar off the shelf or walking 500 metres can leave you feeling injured and tired. Exercising keeps all these problems at bay. Your muscles are always warmed up and ready for daily chores like making your bed, cleaning your shelf, or even walking instead of taking a cab for nearby distances.

3. It will leave you feeling good about yourself

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Nike has introduced plus-sized mannequins for a reason. You don’t need to be slim to exercise. Just sweating it out and putting your body through a routine of stretches and cardio makes you feel good about yourself.

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, a chemical present in your body. These endorphins interact with your brain to reduce your perception of pain. The best thing about these endorphins is that they trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. Which in turn means that the happy feeling starts from within and not from external factors like that big greasy burger at your favourite restaurant.

4. Maintaining a workout routine inadvertently motivates you to lead a healthier lifestyle

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It is something that everyone experiences. Once you start to workout, you automatically feel like eating less junk food. You do not want your efforts to go to waste and you turn to healthier binge options. But rest assured, even if you eat that saucy flour pasta along with garlic bread, you won’t be feeling guilty because you know the next morning you’ll sweat it all out.

5. A good habit of exercising will pay off in your older years

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You might think that your exercise routine is not doing you any good, your weight is constant, and it takes too much effort. But in the long run, you will thank yourself for avoiding all those diseases people have because of their sedentary lifestyle. Exercising will keep your mind and body active and happy. You will not be bound to your bed because of frequent headaches and backaches. Your body will adapt to your age, and all thanks to the little that you did for your body by taking care of it in your young years.


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