Home Health 5 Hormones That Exercising Balances Out, And Why It's Great For You!

5 Hormones That Exercising Balances Out, And Why It's Great For You!


We know that physical activity increases the levels of endorphins and dopamine in our system. These two hormones are responsible for making us feel happy and relaxed, and that’s where the post workout bliss comes from. But recent research shows that, in women, there are five other hormones that balance out with exercise.

According to Sara Gottfried, MD, and author of The Hormone Cure and The Hormone Reset Diet, “Muscle serves as another endocrine organ that plays a key role in metabolism by talking to other organs such as the fat tissue, brain, and liver, and most certainly, by releasing hormones.”

5 Hormones That Exercising Balances Out

Five hormones that are particularly affected by exercise are:


Also called the Exercise Hormone, Irisin is responsible for burning fat. Yes, that’s exactly how those extra inches dissolve when you hit the gym. Irisin, which is fuelled by exercising, burns fat in two ways: one, it turns unhealthy white fat into healthy brown fat, and two, it turns undifferentiated cells into bone-building cells instead of fat cells. According to one study, moderate as well as high intensity interval training increase irisin production by 12%.


We all know what role estrogen plays in the body. It is the hormone that is responsible for female physical features, menstrual cycle, as well as bone health, and cholesterol levels. But, too much estrogen can create havoc in the body, and has been linked to breast cancer. As we enter our 30s, estrogen levels tend to increase, and around the age of 35, many women experience estrogen dominance. Exercise curbs the production of this hormone, and lowers the risk of breast cancer. Not only this, it also decreases the chances of early death in cancer survivors.

5 Hormones That Exercising Balances Out


This “male hormone” is also produced in women’s bodies, but in smaller amounts. It plays an important role in building muscle mass, and also repairs damaged muscles. Exercise can boost the production of testosterone to optimal amount, and help reduce excess belly fat, increase muscle mass, and even increase sex drive.

Human Growth Hormone

This is the hormone responsible for the stronger muscles and bones that you get from exercising. In particular, high intensity workouts and cardio exercises pump up the production of this hormone.


Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. Its levels increase remarkably when we are under stress and, in the long-term, this can hurt the body. However, with certain exercises, you can lower the levels of cortisol in the system. This is how exercise helps you deal with stress better, and even counteract the damage caused by our high-pressure, fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle.





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