Home Health 18 Habits That Make Life More Peaceful

18 Habits That Make Life More Peaceful


We all want a life that’s free of worries, but this is easier said than done, especially with the kind of work pressure and commitments the urban Indian faces. But you can turn your life around with some changes that could actually help your live a more peaceful life. Trust us, it works. Here are 18 simple habits that will ensure a peaceful life.

1. Throw out things you don’t need. Throw, sell or donate the things you don’t need instead of keeping it all and cluttering your space. Minimising your possessions helps free your mind.

If there’s anything that will immediately release your anxiety and put you at ease, it’s making a choice to keep the physical things that either serve a purpose or hold a positive meaning for you.


2. Put yourself before your work life. Work is important but not more than you are. So make sure you make time for yourself and put yourself before your work. After all, you are more than your work and what you earn, right?


3. Organise everything so that life is easier. Organisation will sort your life, so make sure your bills are paid, paperwork is done, clothes are kept neatly and all your belongings kept safe so that you don’t waste time looking for them.


4. If you don’t need, don’t take it. To truly free yourself and be at peace, you need to make the effort to not consume what you don’t need. Don’t buy anything that you don’t need. Ask yourself, ‘Do you really need it?’ ‘Will it help in anyway?’ etc before you decide.



5. Do something that makes you feel refreshed, regularly. If music is your thing, do that or if you like dancing, then practise that. This will keep you refreshed, motivated and looking forward to life.


6. Enjoy your daily chores. When your daily chores become therapeutic practices, it will help make your life become more peaceful and stress-free. For instance, your daily bath can become a healing process of cleansing. Light some aromatic candles and play some soothing music and you’ll enjoy doing the most mundane tasks too.


7. Start a collection of things that inspire you. It could be anything from quotes to stories, sand images to written passages. These will inspire you to think and function in a better way especially when you are going through a demotivated spell.


8. List down the things that bring you joy. We crib about all the bad things in our life but forget to be thankful for all the good. Listing down the things that bring you happiness is a good way to reflect on those things and be thankful.



9. Switch coffee and tea with warm water or green tea. These drinks are more relaxing and yield multiple health benefits, making you feel more calm and positive.


10. Pay in cash at all times. Paying by card is like postponing the payment for another day which leads to piling up of your expenses. Paying by cash will keep your conscious clear and help you keep a check on your expenses.


11. Don’t interact with people who aren’t positive influences. Don’t be rude or let their negativity rub off on you. This will help you live a positive, peaceful life.


12. Cooking can be a therapeutic process and there’s something wonderful about combining different ingredients to make your own dish. It makes you feel empowered.



13. Pay attention to what you are taking in, in terms of music, television, books, and entertainment. These things shape the way you feel about life. So observe consciously and change or improvise.


14. Ask yourself what you really want. If you are not happy with what you are doing, then consider bringing in some change. Base your goals on the kind of life you want in the future and you’ll be more satisfied and peaceful.


15. Keep your goals realistic so that you don’t face disappointment later, when you can’t achieve them. Plus you don’t want to be engulfed in guilt from not believing you should have done more.


16. Keep your daily life simple. Simplicity can bring great joy too. Make it a point to remember that. You don’t need an extravagant life to be happy. Once you realise this, you’ll be happy with what you have and more at peace with yourself.



17. Maintain a personal philosophy to help you move ahead in life and make important decisions. Your personal beliefs about love and life are important to keep you worry-free, rested and at peace as they help you establish your priorities.


18. Do what you love without feeling guilty. Don’t try to police yourself and go by what is right and wrong. Take your instinct into consideration and do what you love. This will give you a wonderful sense of satisfaction.


Image courtesy: Shutterstock

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