Home Health 15 Things That Happen to People Who Can Never Make Decisions

15 Things That Happen to People Who Can Never Make Decisions


Are you one of those people who just can’t decide? If you live the life of a confused soul that needs to spend hours thinking about a certain topic before taking the call you certainly have some serious struggles. And nobody will understand your dilemma but here are the 15 things that happen and they are all too real.


1. You spent hours thinking about a certain decision.




2. So much so that you end up evaluating the pros and cons.




3. And sometimes you even make notes about them in your favourite diary. Just to decide what to do.




4. But the thing that haunts you the most is- what if?




5. Deciding on what to eat for lunch or dinner seems like a big task.




6. And if you ever get invited to two functions on the same day then you are in trouble.




7. You are literally the queen of procrastination and your friends can vouch for it.




8. A lot of times the over-thinking is what ticks people off.




9. Buying a new phone means you’ll get it when it’s old because the tech industry is way faster in launching new products than you are in deciding if you should buy them.




10. There have been multiple times you’ve been doing two contrasting things simultaneously because you just can’t decide which one’s better.




11. You hate dressing up because in the end it all boils down to – what to wear? And that’s a whole lot of decision making.




12. Plus, it doesn’t stop there. You have to make decisions about – the shoes, the accessories and the bags and a whole lot of other things.




13. You have a constant mental struggle to deal with because your rational side is always fighting with the irrational one. And you end up with no decision.




14. There have been multiple times when you’ve gone to the mall and stood there thinking of what to buy but ended up coming home emptyhanded.




15. You almost always go with the majority in any plan and when you’re asked, “What do you want to do?” You have no answer.





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