Women are believed to be fashionistas but not all of them are alike. Some women like to rough it out and never really give their clothes a lot of thought. They dress for themselves and wear what they like instead of worrying about how it looks or weather it fits the occasion. Here are 13 signs you are one of those women who dresses only for herself and nothing else.
1. You take less than five minutes to get ready.
2. You don’t worry about getting ready, ever!
3. You wear literally the same clothes to work and party and none of them are fancy.
4. You like shopping alone because you don’t fuss over it unlike others.
5. No dressing room selfies for you.
6. Or sending pictures to your friends of what to buy.
7. And certainly not pictures asking them what to wear.
8. You’ve got a certain type of dressing, it’s mostly the carefree, easy-going type.
9. You love black because it cuts out all the confusion. Oh, and yoga pants of course. You can live in them.
10. You have more than one crappy piece of outfit that you wear publicly, without any shame.
11. You don’t give a flying F**k about what’s hot or in trend.
12. You don’t pick outfits according to day and night events. In fact, you never quite understood that one.
13. For you, there are no rules to wearing clothes and that’s the best way.