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11 Things You Need to Know About Painful Sex (And How to Deal With It)


Sex is pleasurable but if your experiences have proved otherwise you need to dig deeper into this issue. Painful sex is a pretty common phenomenon that most people ignore. But it exists and we are unraveling some truths about painful sex, and how you can deal with. Here are answers to all the questions you’ve ever been embarrassed to ask about pain, sex and the much-needed solutions. Read on.


1. Dry vagina makes penetration painful.
Vaginal dryness can cause you to squeal with pain during sex. Dryness can occur due to hormonal changes after childbirth or can be a direct effect of stress and medications. Even the onset of menopause can be a probable cause.


What you can do: Make use of easily available lubricants like creams, gels and lotions that can moisten the area (although you must consult a doctor). Take pleasure in foreplay and enjoy the act which may help you get aroused and wet before penetration. A change in your daily habits would also help eliminate stress.

2. Penetration seems impossible.
Is it impossible for him to penetrate? Don’t take this lightly. It may be a condition called Vaginusmus which causes the vagina to shut tight and makes penetration extremely painful. The pain occurs at entry point but if not then women who have this condition face debilitating pain during or after sex.


What you can do: This may be serious so don’t put it off. Consult a doctor at the earliest and make sure to follow his/her advice for a healthy and pleasurable sex life.




3. When your partner thrusts deep, it is nothing short of suffering.
This can be a probable cause of a tipped or tilted uterus which can cause indomitable pain. But the good part is that this does not indicate any health conditions.

What you can do: The best way to avoid the pain in this situation is to ask your partner to go slow and avoid the deep thrusting. Another way to tackle this is by getting on top of him to control the pressure and figure out a position that’s most comfortable for you.


4. It’s the tight squeeze that hurts.
The culprit for this is that your partner is large while you are petite, and this size difference is leading to trouble in your sex life. This happens because the penis is hitting the cervix causing an uncomfortable stretch.

What you can do: Using lube can help in some cases; changing the position can also do the trick. If the pain is too much just ask your partner to slow down a bit and try a different position which may be more comforting, especially something that lets’ you control the speed and pressure.

5. Infections are making you ache.
Genital infections like a yeast infection, trichomoniasis and genital herpes can make sex a torture. Small changes in the vulva or vagina that happen due to the infection can cause pain too.


What you can do: These can be treated easily under medical supervision. Consult your doctor as soon as possible.




6. Intercourse leads to discomfort and agony.
Endometriosis may be the cause. This is a condition where the tissue that lines the uterus starts to grow in other areas causing pain during penetration.


What you can do: Endometriosis is a serious condition that needs to be treated through laproscopic surgery. But it is important to get it diagnosed. This condition also extends to painful sex and painful periods. Check with your doctor.


7. Your vagina is super sensitive post childbirth.
Childbirth can bring a lot of changes to your body and one of them is a sensitive vagina, since the doctors may sometimes conduct a procedure called episiotomy (slice the area between the vulva and anus) to bring the baby out easily.


What you can do: This condition can be treated with proper medical care so check with your doctor for the best treatment option.

8. Throbbing pain on penetration.
This could be caused due to the presence of ovarian cysts which can give a lot of pain even with a little touch.


What you can do: Cysts are a condition and therefore get yourself checked by an expert.




9. Pangs of pain along with bleeding and heavy periods.
This could be due to uterus fibroids which cause pain by rubbing against the vagina and begins to pain while penetration when thrust against it.


What you can do: If the fibroids hurt a lot then consult your doctor about getting them removed surgically.


10. Burning sensation on your labia
The labia is the outer lips of your vaginal opening. Burning or irritation in that area may happen due to a reaction from products which you are using like soaps and cream.


What you can do: Refrain from doing anything on that area. Even if it means applying creams to soothe it. Wait till the irritation subsides and consult the doctor if it worsens.


11. Painful sex due to irritable bowl syndrome.
Yes, it’s a possibility. IBS can cause throbbing pain during sex especially if you have other common symptoms such as intestinal cramping during periods, constipation and diarrhea.


What you can do: Talk about it to your doctor to know if there is any cause of worry and try to treat IBS. Once treated it will stop hampering your sexual routine too.


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