Home Health 10 Vows Every Woman Should Take on World Health Day

10 Vows Every Woman Should Take on World Health Day



In the midst of busy schedules and stressful deadlines, taking care of our health often takes a backseat. Today, on World Health day, lets take a vow to make some healthy lifestyle changes. We’ve made your job a bit easier by listing down the 10 vows that every woman must take this year to ensure a fit and healthy lifestyle. Take a look.


I will perform self-breast examination every month: Research says 40 per cent of breast cancer cases are detected because of self-examination. With such high statistics, self-examination certain is important. Spend 5 extra minutes in the shower to look for lumps and growth. Watch out for redness, soreness, rash, or swelling on any of your breasts. Also the best time to self examine is about 4 days to a week after menstruation because during your period cycle your breasts tend to become a little swollen and lump.

Get more details on self-examination here.


I will get a full-body health check-up done once a year: Let’s be honest; many of us tend to give this once a year check-up a miss. This World Health day promise yourself that you will make time, and go in for a physical health check up at least once every year.


I will do at least 30 minutes of physical activity everyday: We aren’t asking you to hit the gym every day but ensure that you engage in some physical activity. Check out some fun ways to burn the calories here.





I will only eat out once a week: It’s difficult to refuse a piping hot pan pizza with extra cheese and a good portion of French fries but junk can be your worst enemy. With our hectic work lifestyle, we end up eating outside almost every day. Take a vow to quit that. Skip those junkies and add some nutritious value to your diet. Start by including at least one green vegetable and a fruit in your diet. While it’s okay to cheat every once in a while (it’s difficult to give up on that pizza after all) make sure you don’t make it into a habit.


I will try to maintain my BMI: Whoever said weight is just a number was right. More than your weight, your Body Mass Index (BMI) is what determines how healthy are you. BMI helps calculate the amount of fats in your body and whether you are at risk of contracting diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol or even heart diseases.


I will quit smoking (especially at public places): We all know that cigarettes are bad for health but quitting it can be quite a task. So limit your intake to one or two a day till you can deal with the withdrawal symptoms rather than going cold turkey. And the next time you get the urge to light up in public think of this. Passive smoking is equally injurious as actual smoking. So if you are with someone you love, make sure you don’t put their health at risk.


I will take health symptoms seriously: How many times have we ignored certain symptoms just because we feel that they are normal? Feeling tired after a long day at work might seem normal but it could also point to bigger issues, like anaemia. Vow to take precautions before the risk increases.


I will not self-medicate: Getting a headache? Pop a pill and you are fine. Regular symptoms such as constant headaches and bodily pain could be pointing to bigger problems. Stop the self-medication and get a checkup done. We are not asking you to run to a doctor every time you get a headache but if any health issue occurs more than twice, consult a doctor.


I will always be happy: Sign up for a hobby class, buy that dress or spend a day reading a book. Ensure that you stay happy whatever you do, so that you can then in turn, feel healthy.




I will take time out for vacations: Whether you are a working woman or a stay-at-home one, you need a break. Take a vow to take vacations twice a year. Give yourself some special me-time and do what you truly love. Apart from the twice a year breaks, ensure that you get enough sleep everyday. Getting the required amount of sleep will help you regain your energy, de-stress yourself and feel healthy.


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