Home Health 10 Things to Include in Your Bedtime Schedule to Wake Up Happier

10 Things to Include in Your Bedtime Schedule to Wake Up Happier





Your bedtime routine does not have to be filled with rigorous tasks. Instead use this time effectively to zone out. Night time rituals not only affect your sleep schedules but also reflect on your mood and become the foundation of your next day. So make sure you set a routine that lets you make the most of this little time to keep your mind, body and soul in top shape. Here are 10 things you must do before bedtime to wake up fresh and happy.


1. Unplug: Make it a point to unplug from all the electronics around you. Turn off your wifi and switch off your phone. The only thing you might need is an alarm. Do this and you’ll have a more relaxed sleep that will help you wake up refreshed.




2. Take your meds: If you are on any kind of medication or supplements, the nighttime is the best time to take them for maximum effect. In fact,some medication like blood pressure pills have been proved to work best at night.


3. Meditate: Taking time out from your busy schedule during the day is difficult, so set aside a few minutes to meditate in the night. Doing it twice a day is even better. Try and eliminate the bad thoughts and keep your mind free from sadness, sorrow, regret and worry while you drift off into peaceful slumber.




4. Take a walk: A short walk outside or even in the house will help. It helps clear your thoughts and avoid all unnecessary distractions. It’s also a good practice that will help your digest your food better.

5. Brush your teeth: We know all about the germs in our mouth and how they affect our teeth. The effect of germs doubles up during the night, leading to cavities, pale teeth and toothaches. It is best to brush your teeth and clear your mouth of all the food so that no germs affect your pearly whites.




6. Listen to relaxing music: Listening to relaxing music just before sleeping can help you calm down. Make sure you avoid ear phones and play soothing numbers that will help you get some peaceful shut eye.


7. Skip the booze: Regular drinking before bedtime is a bad habit that will affect your mind and body, as it upsets your system and spikes your body temperature. Make sure you limit the intake of alcohol right before bedtime. And if you have to, then keep to the minimum.




8. Kick the butt: Smoking right before bedtime is a terrible idea as it disturbs your sleep patterns. For most people smoking is relaxing but nicotine acts as a stimulant that gives rise to insomnia.

9. Moisturise your skin: Moisturising right before bedtime is is best as your skin absorbs the maximum moisture from your body lotion at night. Make it a point to pamper your face, hands and legs with an aromatic lotion that will also help you sleep better and feel refreshed.




10. Express gratitude: Another day of your life is done and no matter how good or bad it was, you must take a minute and thank the Almighty for it. Expressing gratitude will make you happy from within and help you sleep better. This is also the time you can take to think of the good people you’ve encountered and the things that made you happy, and be grateful for them.


Image courtesy: Shutterstock / Thinkstock


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